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Ally's POV

All day fans of Team 10 having coming to our house wanting pictures and sending us pizza. It was really fun in the beginning it's still but it's just we have to get stuff done and it causes a lot of interruption.

The doorbell rings for the third time in less than twenty minutes Tessa open the door saying hello to a fan. I start walking to the door until I hear from familiar  voice.

This isn't a voice I've heard since sophomore year and never want to see this person again. I hope that she is just here to meet Jake and the of Team 10 but not me.

"Hey Ella and I'm a friend of Ally's." God no, it can't be true Ella and I were never friends in high school. We had a couple classes together but we weren't friends.

Let me give you the backstory on Ella. She came to my school in the middle of the year she met one of my friends and thought immediately she was my friend. She was very rude, sarcastic and just overall. No one  wanted to be friends with her. She would pick fights with people in our class who she knew had more friends than her but yet she still would. I would always tell her you need to stop and then she make fun of me. My friend group and I always told her we didn't like her,that we were not friends but she was stuck around us no matter what we did or said.

"Oh you're a friend of Ally, yeah sure I'll take you to the kitchen and I'll go upstairs and go get Ally for you." Oh God no I rush upstairs to my room and pretend I'm asleep even though it's one in the afternoon.

"Ally you have a friend her name is Ella." Tessa says walking in my room. "The twins are currently keeping her company right now but you should go down and talk to her."

This is my worst nightmare come true. I thought once I got out of that school and moved into the Team 10 house I would never see or hear from Ella ever again. God why is she here she trying to ruin my life?

I'm nod getting out of bed walking downstairs to the kitchen island seeing the twins talking to Ella. Ella is telling the twins how her and I  were great friends, that we we spent time together after school and before school how we worked on projects together. But what she doesn't tell them is that I can't stand her.

"Hey Ally, it's been along time since I've seen you. What two years? We really need to catch up."

"Hi Ella,  and if you excuse the twins and I, we kind of need to talk." I say grabbing the twins practically running with them up to my room.

"Ally what's wrong that's your best friend down there." Emilio says fixing his shoe that he lost on the way up.

"That girl is not my friend. She was just someone who hung around my friends and I. We have to get her out of here.  If we don't then she will think that we're all friends and hang around us. Forever."

"Ally, that's not very nice. You really need to give her another chance." Ivan says crossing his arms. Oh my god they don't get it if she doesn't  leave she'll end up probably getting into Team 10 and never me alone.

"Do you guys remember when I told you when I was in high school there was a girl who made fun of one of my friends who has autism?" They nod now becoming curious.

"That's her, and she may seem nice right now but through out the day she'll give you slight insults and pretend she's messing around with you but she isn't.  We need to get her out of here. She's probably messing round with Tessa right now. Oh my god poor Tessa."

We all rushed downstairs and as I predicted she's not just messing with Tessa but she's messing with Nick, Jake, and Chad. They all irritated right now and I don't blame them. When I get downstairs the all look at me clearly upset.

"Ally, why don't you take your friend down to The Grove and show her around." Nick says trying really hard not to sound annoyed.

"That sounds like it would be a lot of fun but sadly I can't. Don't you guys remember we all have to be down at the tumble place for Lucas and Marcus says birthday." I say, they all look confused until Ivan backs me up.

"Yeah Jake don't you remember. They asked us to be there in the next twenty minutes so we should be going now." Ivan says nudging Emilio to back him up as well.

"Yeah Nick don't you member two o'clock is when we're supposed to be there so we should be heading out now." By now everyone gets the hint that we are trying to get rid of Ella but of course not Ella.

That was the one good thing about Ella. She could never tell when people were trying to get rid of her.

"Oh okay then I guess I'll come by another time and we can go toThe Grove, it will be a lot of fun catching up with you again Ally." Ella says grabbing her car keys and leaving of course but not before saying goodbye and irritating everyone once again.

Once she's out the door I lock it and shut the gate when she leaves the driveway. I turn back to see everyone looking at me irritated except the twins.

"I know what you guys are thinking and trust me Ella is not my friend she never was. She was no actually is just a girl who like to hang out with me even though she knew my friends and I did not like her."

"All right just next time we should have a picture of her by the door so that way nobody lets her in next time because I don't think any of us could deal with how rude she was." Chad says, everyone agrees before going their separate ways.

Man I never want to see Ella again.

Goal for next update 9 votes & 9 comments

Hi, so this chapter was a bit longer than the others and a little different. I brought a character from Ally's past, would you guys like if I brought up other characters from Ally's past up? Like her old crushes, boyfriends, enemies?

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