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Laura's POV

I don't know what's happening to me.

I should have kept my mouth shut when I asked him if he was dating.

I should have kept it all to myself.

But no.

God I'm so stupid.

Then I actually tell him about how other guys are uninteresting.

I basically just told him I still love him!

Which is true...

I couldn't help but cry.

Him leaving was the second hardest thing that happened to me.

He tried to hold my hand but I knew all to well that tomorrow the headlines would scream. ROSS&LAURA? REUNITED? OR NEVER PARTED?

So I reject his offer.

I want to escape. I get to my apartment door and right away my keys decide to play hide and seek.

Once I've found them I jabbed them into the door and dashed up the stairs.

I was slowly coming undone.

That wall I've spent years building is breaking down. Too fast for my liking.

5 minutes of sobbing I hear Ross at my door.

I couldn't help but ask.

" Why did you leave me?" I sobbed.

The pain in his eyes was indescribable.

"Why! Why does every one leave me?!"

I shriek.

One thing I know about Ross, he hates tears.

Well that's just too damn bad.

He kneels on the floor by me.

"I-It was for my band." he stutters.

"Screw your band!" I yell.

I stay sitting there. My back against the bed.

Hugging my knees.

"You left... then every one else did too."

I whisper.

"Who else?" "Laura?" "Who else left you?"

I rolled my eyes.

He really cut off all contact when he left California.

"Everyone, my friends... my family... myself." I say quietly. I don't have enough energy to yell anymore.

"What do you mean?" he asked scared of my answer.

"My father died..

My mom despised California after he left.

My sister is in rehabilitation...

Raini doesn't want me around her family.

Calum he's distant... He doesn't laugh, smile or even talk. He just sits there.

And Myself... I'm lost, too much has gone wrong." I began to cry again. I hear Ross sniffling next to me. Apparently this is news to his ears.

I hear him mumbling. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I look up and see Ross. Not 29 year old Ross but 16 year old Ross. Balling on my bedroom floor.

I crawl over to him and do the only thing I can think of. I give him one of my bone crushing hugs. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist, his head lays in the crook of my neck I could feel his tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he keeps repeating over and over.

There we are. On my floor rocking back and forth holding each other, crying our eyes out.


That was hard to write.

Every bag of fiction has a grain of truth to it.

I'm sorry if I got you down.

I can't promise things will get better.



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