Goodbye for now

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@iloverosslynchr5 asked what my fave song was from the EP, I am actually really digging heart made up on you, Ross' voice was sooooooo sexy ;)

Laura's POV

My eyes are dry.

my cheeks are damp.

my heart is aching.

After ripping apart a hand stitched pillow and breaking a couple of plates, I was drained, just really tired. But when I laid down, sleep did not come to me. So it was now 9:34 in the morning and I haven't gotten a second of rest. I threw the blankets off of me and grabbed my phone. It rang and rang.

Hello this is Ellen, I can't come to the phone right now leave a message.

"I know you may not care about things anymore, but I'm drowning mom. It'd be great if you called back, or just contacted me ever... Its been 7 years, get your head out of your ass." I hung up and dropped my phone in my lap.

I have to get out of here.

I grabbed my keys and went to my little red car. I took less crowded roads and just drove. I thought I had more time to prepare my explanation to Ross. I wasn't really intending him to find out this way, I wanted to tell him after I was sure he wasn't going to leave me.

Well I fucked that up.

I parked my car into an almost vacant parking lot and approached the guarded gates. I hit the intercom button.

"Hi, this is Miss Marano, I came to visit Vanessa." The gate buzzed and popped open. I shut it behind me and marched up to the sliding doors. The lobby has colors of gold and orange, the fountain in the center makes me want to pee. I was fast walking toward my sisters room in hopes that she'd have answers for me.

I didn't even knock, I just stepped right in to see her sitting in her bay window. He head snaps towards me.

"Finally." Vanessa hops off the window seat and wraps her arms around my neck. "You didn't bring food did ya?" I shook my head making her sigh. She stepped back and looked at me as I did her.

Her eyes have bags and her hair stays in a messy bun, she's wearing athletic sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. She started biting her nails again and probably stayed in this room all this week.

"I missed you Ness." She gives me a genuine smile and plops down on her twin bed.

"I missed you too Laur. Now, let's stop beating around the bush. I was allowed one hour of internet this month and I saw that Ross was back. What happened?" I plop down next to her and put my head in my hands.

"We sorta ran into each other, got coffee together, he stayed over at my place, went to the set of love kills, kissed, said I love you, he kinda moved in josh moved out, almost gets shot, he asks me to be his girlfriend, we went to the reunion, got shit faced drunk, had hangovers, went on a date, got arrested, got released, then next thing I know, I run into the kitchen to see Ross so, so heartbroken! He read the Notebook! and I was the biggest idiot because I put that notebook in a drawer by the door! and I didn't really even go after him when he ran out the door, he probably hates me." I laid back in her bed and sobbed into my hands but cringed at the smell on her comforter. It smells like baby powder and old lady perfume.

"He found the notebook? Did you really even hide it?" I thought about that for awhile then shook my head lamely.

"I'm so stupid." I smacked my forehead but Vanessa stopped me before I could do I again.

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