Still an ass

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Laura's POV

I stand there for what seems like hours shocked.
His face probably mirroring mine.
What's happening! why can't I move?
It's barely been 4 seconds but my mind slowed time down. I start to scream out of shock. Then Ross starts to blink rapidly. My screaming broke him out of his trance.
"I-I'm sorry!" he blushes and walks of into the living room.
I quickly shut my door, silently cursing my self out.

I finished getting dressed and I slowly opened my door and peeked out.
Ross was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, quietly talking to himself.
I tiptoed into the living room. He looks up blushing. "I'm sor-..." I cut him off before he can start. "Can we just forget it?" I plead.
"It's not that easy." Ross muttered.
What? I'm not exactly what they call 'hot'.
I was shocked and pleased with his comment. but I chose to ignore it.

We arrived at the studio early, so I decided to give him a tour of the set. He nods at all the stuff I'm telling him, but I think he has something else on his mind. Just when I'm about to ask what he's thinking, Nathan my repulsive co-star walks in. "Hey Laura, still being a bitch I see." He snarks. Ross tenses up a little. "Hey Nathan still being an ass I see." I reply without thinking. Ross gasps a little at my profanity. "Well I'll see you later for our smooch, can't wait." He says than walks out of the room.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, dealing with him is routine, but is always gives me head aches.
"What the hell was that?' Ross asks. I was shocked by his fuming over my petty co-star. "Don't worry it's routine for us." Ross grimaces. "I can literally kill him for what he said to you." he tells me. I'm happy he'd beat that fool for me but violence isn't my thing. "Don't even give him a fraction if your mind Ross." He seems to be pondering over my words and than smiles and nods.
"Where's your dressing room?" he asks quietly. I brighten at the idea of me showing him my dressing room. I actually took time to decorate this one, my old one just had a couch and a keyboard.
I grab Ross' hand and proceed to my dressing room.
He stops in the door way and looks at my home away from home.

So Nathan is a jerk
That's all I have to say 😂
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