There's more?!

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Ross' POV

"So, I think you should put some pictures of hot girls on here to get more guys attracted." I hear laura scoff from the kitchen. Ryland shakes his head at me as he continues to design his website for his management business.

"Or you could use puppies for the advertisements. Cause' I know Ross looks up pictures of puppies a lot." My eyes widen.

"How do you know?"laura comes out of the kitchen taking a seat by me and Ryland on the couch.

"Well, when you kept saying 'Aww' I went through your history." I rolled my eyes and focused on the laptop screen, reading a part Ryland just posted.
'Once the manger for the famous family band R5, had to look for different clients to keep Ry enterprises running. Only to find his brother, Ross Lynch, wanting a solo career.'

I tapped Ryland's arm.

"Dude, what's the point of adding that?" Ryland was still typing. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Because its true, you were the last client I had before I signed Arch Nem." I shook my head.

"My solo career never happened though." I whisper, so Laura can't hear.

"Fine, I can get rid of it." Ryland sighs, just as there is a knock on the door.

"Its open!" The door bust open, with a nonchalant Rocky and Ellington, who awkwardly smiles at me. Laura scoots closer to me on the couch to make room for them. I place my hand on Laura's thigh squeezing slightly, making her jump.

"Mr.Ratliff and I were just discussing about making a new single." Rocky kicks his feet up and puts them on Ryland's coffee table. Ryland's head snaps towards the muddy high tops and glares. But Rocky doesn't notice.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Rocky looks at me and smirks.

"I didn't ask for you to be in it, solo boy." I look down and roll my eyes.

"What do you mean solo boy?" I look up to see Laura, with a confused expression. Rock clears his throat.

"Well my little brother here decided, he wanted to try something on his own." I stood up from where I was sitting and go at Rocky's neck.

"You know that's not what happened! We were too busy for the fucking band, so at least three months later I tried. But it wasn't for money, or fucking fame. I had to get my goddamn music out, because being without you guys in New York almost killed me! but I'm guessing you guys felt the exact opposite?" Rocky just continued to smile at me. So I brought my arm back and made impact with his face.

Laura's POV

It happened all to fast. Me and Ryland were on guard the second Ross went at Rocky. I wasn't expecting Ross to actually punch him. Ryland and Ratliff had to pull Ross off of rocky. Rocky wipe the blood of this mouth and smirked at Ross.

" remember when family was everything?" Ross was still huffing. He snatched his arm away from Ryland and grabbed my hand and started for the door.

Ross slammed the car door and sat there breathing heavily. Then he starts banging on the steering wheel.

"Fucking piece of shit! That motherfucking cock sucking son of a bitch!" I sit there silently as Ross gets his anger out. He puts his forehead on the steering wheel out of breath. He picks his head up and looks at me.

"I'm sorry." I shrug my shoulders and grab his hand and start playing with it.

"Its okay. You should've seen how bad I was yelling when I heard Vanessa went to rehab. I didn't even know that my own sister had a drug problem." Ross sits up and jams the keys into the ignition.


I open the door to our apartment and head into my bedroom. Ross comes in behind me.

"I guess you kinda missed your hair appointment." I shrug my shoulders and get dressed into sweatpants and a ratty old purple shirt. I look up at Ross and smile.

"Can I show you something?" Ross nods his head. I grab my slippers out of the closet and grab Ross' hand leading him out my apartment door. In the elevator, I put my key in then hit number 17. I wait as we slowly ascend, humming along to the elevator music. The doors ding and open to a dark room.

"Ross, close your eyes." He does as he is told but I wave my hand in front just in case.

I pull him forward turning on the light.

"Now open." When he opens his eyes, he gasps. Its my music room.

It has black and white tiles and grey walls. In the middle of the room is a pure white piano. Up on one of my walls is the 'Music' sign from Austin&Ally. Ross notices that right away.

"You took that one to?" I nod my head. Ross continues to look around at the many instruments sprawled throughout the room.

"This isn't even the best part." I open a door that leads to cement stairs. I take them two at a time and walk into my roof top garden. The walls are glass and the ceiling is glass, all bordered by white wood. Ross looks up in amazement. He starts turning around slowly, taking it all in. He looks at me and smiles.

"How on Earth did you get a deal this good?" I laugh lightly and look at my roses.

"The landlord needed help renovating, I needed a distraction, but he saw how in love I fell with floor 17 and the rooftop, that he gave it to me. Of course I pay an extra 400 dollars on my rent. but I think its well worth it." Ross grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug.

"Did you say rooftop?" I nodded my head and pointed towards the glass doors.

"There's more?!" I held in my laughter as Ross ran towards the door, ripping it open. I followed him as he approached the old red velvet couch I had out there. He ploped down in it, making dust fly up. I sit down next to him and cuddle in his arms to watch the sun set.

"So the reunions tomorrow." Ross reminds me.


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