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Laura's POV

The light was too bright. I burry my head beneath pillows. "Laura." I hear a slight whisper. I groan and try to ignore it. "Psst, Laura!" The whispers getting louder. "Whattt?" I wail. "Can I invite some people over?" I spring up from my nest to peer at Ross. "Who?" I ask cautiously. He just smiles. "My brothers and sister and Ratliff, and maybe my mom." My heart thumps. Wow the last time I seen them was 4 years ago. "Well yeah, of course they can come over." Ross smiles at me and brings his phone out of his pocket. I hear a camera click. "Did you just take a picture of me?" Ross shrugs still on his phone "Your bed head is adorable." I groan and plop back onto the bed. "When are they coming?" Ross looks up from his phone."Uhh, in two hours." I sigh. "Good, that gives me an hour to lay here." Ross throws a pillow at my head. "No you need to get up and make me breakfast." I sit up from the bed and stare at Ross incredulously. "Oh do I? What happened to our agreement? The one where you live to serve?" Ross huffs "How about we order something." He grabs his phone and calls Egg Cetera. I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet grabbing my thing for a shower. "I ordered you a ham and cheese omelet." I scrunch my nose. "What did you get for yourself?" Ross smiles like a child. "French toast." I glare at him. "Are you messing with me? You know I hate omelets." Ross starts laughing. "Yes I'm messing with you, such a diva." I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom.
I put my hair up in a towel, being to lazy to blow dry it. I open the door to see Ross walking from the kitchen to the dining room. I peek around the corner to see Ross scarfing down pancakes, syrup evident on his chin. I look at my food. French toast with my go-gurt and raspberries. I smile gratefully and rush to eat the food.
I glance up at Ross absorbed in his breakfast. I sallow down my portion of food and speak. "How much time till your family and Ratliff get here?" Ross peers up trying to clear him mouth before he speaks. "Eh, Ten minutes." He glances down at his phone. "Well we should get you cleaned up." I get up from my seat and grab a rag from the linen closet. I walk past Ross into the kitchen to drench it in water. I walk back over to Ross and hand him the rag. "It's that bad?" Ross asks incredulously. I nod my head and watch as he wipes his face, missing too many spots. I sigh and shuffle over to him. I grab the rag and shake my head smiling at him. Ross looks at me embarrassed. I wipe his chin tenderly as he stares into my eyes. I wipe my thumb across his bottom lip. We start leaning in, my eyes fluttered close as I made contact with his lips. The kiss is sweet and romantic, minus the taste of syrup which I now love. He places his hands on my waist pulling in between his legs as I grab fistfuls of his hair. His hands trail down to the back of my knees signaling me to straddle his lap. I sat on his legs in my dining room kissing Ross. If you would have told me this two years ago I would have laughed in your face.
We were lost in each other. Only taking breaks to breathe. Just as Ross was placing small kisses on my neck there was a knock on the door. I pulled back and Ross frowned. "I can tell them to go away." He says into my arm. I just laugh and shake my head. I hop off his lap and comb a hand through my hair trying to straighten out my jumbled thoughts. I jog over to the door, take a deep breath, then open the door to see 5 people towering over me. Rydel squeals and jumps out from the group to hug me. "Laura! What are you doing here?" I smile at her, happy to have one of my friends back. "I live here!" She raises an eyebrow. "What?" She shakes her head. "Ross told us this was his new place." I laugh lightly and scratch that back of my neck. "It will be." I say quietly. Rydel gasps and holds a hand over her mouth. "Wait, you guys are.. AHH!" She jumps up and down and claps her hands. Ellington puts two hands on Rydel's shoulders. "Calm down Delly." Rydel blushes and nods her head. Rocky gives me a big hug lifting me off the ground. "You're still so short." I kick my feet a little. He places me down on the floor and ruffles my hair. Riker just stands at the door making no move to approach me. Stormie notices and shoves his arm ushering him towards me. He reluctantly walks over and shakes my hand then pulls me in for a hug. "We need to talk later." He whispers in my ear. I nod my head when we pulled back. Riker walks off to talk to Ross. Stormie has tears in her eyes. "I haven't seen you in forever sweet heart." Stormie sniffles and gives my hand a squeeze. I smile at her and her emotions. "Laura! They're taking us ice skating!" Ross runs in the kitchen grabbing my waist and hugging me from behind. Stormie just smiles wiping her tears as I blush. "I'm going to go get my jacket." I walk to my room with Ross still hugging my waist making my movements slow. I open my door then close it. I unwrap his arms from me and sit in my bed. "Laur are you okay?" I rub my hands in my thighs.
"Just a little overwhelmed." He raises an eyebrow at me, wanting me to explain. "It's just, I had all of you, then I lost all of you guys." Ross grabs my hand and strokes it. I shake my head at our contact. "And this thing with us." Ross smiles at me. "I know, I know." I let out a big breath.
"Do you Ross?" He looks up at me shocked. "Do you understand that when I was with you, I was only with you. Your family was mine, your friends were mine, Your life was ours."
Ross lets go of my hand as if I burned him. He steps back a bit.
"Laura, you want to get past this right?" I nod my head, not knowing what he was about to say. "Well then quit throwing my face! I know leaving you was a bad Idea, but Laura I know you. If I would have taken you on tour with us, you would've gotten bored 3 days after and left me. I didn't want the pain of you leaving, so I left."
My breath hitches, He never, ever told me this before. Ross left cause he didn't want me to leave? Tears start brimming my eyes. Ross' face softens and he grabs my hand again. "I'm sorry Laur." He squeezes my hand a little. I shake my head trying to wipe my tears. "No, no, I'm glad you told me how you felt, we need honesty right now, right?" Ross smiles a little. "Hey let's go ice skating." I smile and grab my coat as I head for my door. I stop abruptly.
I have no idea how to ice skate...
Sorry, wattpad was being kinda stupid. It kept erasing my writing. so it went kinda slow.
Anyways Vote, comment, follow me on here and twitter (@cossiscute)or (@AliahGledesma)
Aliah 💋

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