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Ross' POV

I held her for a moment longer and breathed in her sweet peachy scent. But our moment was interrupted by little whimper.

" What the hell is that?!" Laura leans back looking around the apartment trying to find where the noise is coming from. I just shook my head and chuckled.

"It was supposed to be a surprise but," I kneel down on the floor and open the small create. "This little guy must be starving." My new friend slowly walked out of his crate.

"Ross! You got a puppy!" Laura leaned down right away to grab the scared thing, he immediately ran behind me away from her grasp.

"Sorry, it takes him some time to get used to people." Laura looked behind me to smile at the pup.

"Whats his name?" I look down at the dog who was cautiously looking up at Laura.

" His name is Pocket the Corgi." Pocket started to hobble off towards the kitchen. That's when Laura noticed his leg.

"What happened to his leg?" We followed after him to see he was just simply giving himself a tour of the apartment.

" His leg bone is just shaped oddly. He's not allowed to jump but he can surly run." Pocket walked out of the kitchen and towards the hallway straight towards Laura's room.

He looked up at her bed for awhile before looking back at me as if to say, Pick me up you asshole.

"Is it okay if he lays on your bed? He never sleeps in dog beds, I swear he's like a tiny teenager." Laura nodded her head as I helped Lord Pocket onto the bed. He did a couple of circles before plopping down in the middle and sighing. Then he looked at us basically saying, Get the hell out.

"Well it looks like were staying in the guest room?" Laura laughs and leaves the door open a crack.

"That felt so weird, I feel like this is his house now, are you sure that's a dog?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Me and Pocket don't get along so well. Dr.Vada thought it would be a good idea to get  therapy dog, so I found him at a shelter. He seemed so much nicer when he was sleeping." Laura laughed as she grabbed my hand. But I felt the mood get serious.

" Are- Are you okay?" I squeezed her hand.

"I feel a lot better, but we still need to discuss more about what happened." I bring my hand up to brush against her cheek. "But we don't have to talk about it now, jet lag is a real bitch, I could see why Pocket stole your bed."

"Just kiss me already damn it."  Laura grabbed the back of my neck and latched our lips together, after I got over her strength, I noticed her desire.
Within this kiss I could feel both of our pain. Upon her lips I truly feel sane. I am no longer afraid to fall deeper for her, because she is the one. I foresee a long future and a happy life. Maybe one day she'll be my lovely wife... Only time could tell how our paths will go, but I hope that ours will forever be twined together.
Okay den, you guys got to see more of Ross' eternal monologue... he's quite poetic ;)
I swear that dog is just like me...
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