"so be it."

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Laura's POV

It freaking midnight already...

I get back on my laptop to look at gossip blogs to see if they have anything about Ross and a little gremlin reeking chaos in the town.

Ross Lynch spotted having lunch with hobo and pup?!

I clicked the article immediately to see that Ross has basically spent all day with this homeless man. And what warms my heart it that Ross bought him new shoes.

It still doesn't make up for how he acted towards me.

I heard my front door shut and the pitter patter of little feet.

Pocket approaches me with a rose in his mouth and a note tucked in his collar.

I grabbed it, eyeing him to see if he'd try nipping at me. He just laid the rose down on the floor then walked off towards the hallway. I opened the note quickly to see Ross' messy scribble.

Dear laur,

I know I was being a dick to you earlier. I'm sorry.

This guy Wayne really made me rethink a lot of things. I'll explain it later. Just know I love you so much, and that I'm sincerely sorry for the way I spoke to you.



"Ross? Get your ass in here!" I finally heard his footsteps. He poked his head through the threshold. I held up the note. "What the hell is this?!" I fold it back up and place it on my nightstand

"Its an apology." I scoffed and laughed.

"Apology? In a note? You've tried this before remember?" I felt like laughing and punching him at the same time.

When we were teenagers he sent me a freaking apology note about my birthday. I honestly don't know how he forgot, we're only a month apart.

"Okay okay! I'm an idiot and a dick, and I'm sorry. I'm drowning in family drama in which everyone hid something. I just felt overwhelmed, until I met Wayne." Ross sat on the end if my bed grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I saw that." I motioned over to my laptop that showed a picture of the homeless man trying on different shoes.

"He-He made me realize a lot. Wayne has absolutely nothing but the clothes on his back. He told me about how a long time ago he had a fulfilling life with more than he could ask for. He had a big home, a wife and a nice car. But he never had love. He said "I began too see the man I became, so I just stopped." He quit his job and divorced his wife who used him for the money. After that he tried to do the one thing he always wanted, play baseball, like major leagues." I was actually starting to tear up over a mans life story, one man I don't even know... yet.

"W-what happened? Why is he homeless?" Ross wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

"He said "Love will consume you of your all, it will bring you great pain and great suffering, but if you don't accept it, then you lose sight of who you are, rather than who you want to be." I brought my hand up to cradle Ross' face.

"So he's happy?" Ross nodded his head and Nuzzled into my palm.

" He watches a baseball game each week behind a fence, he's very happy because his love for baseball overshadowed everything else." He kisses a my thumb.

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that my love for you will always overshadow everything else, I'm going to let it consume me, and if pain comes with it, then so be it."

updates are going to be less frequent and shorter. School is suffocating.
So someone asked me if I'm ever going to write a sex scene, and my answer is no.
Love is not sex. Love is much more than pleasure.
that's just how I see it.
plus I'm only fourteen chill xD
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Coming Home •Ross Lynch• •Raura•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang