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Ross' POV

I began to run in search of Laura. Of course I get lost. I run a hand through my hair. To my left a door opens and a little hand pulls me through. The room is dark. My brain is going haywire. "Laura?" I have my hands out in search for her figure. My hands coming in contact with something soft. I hear a click and the lights are on. My eyes adjust to Laura standing in front of me a smirk on her lips. I look down at my hands that are on her boobs. She bites her lip, trying to stifle her laughs. I stand their awkwardly with my hands still on her chest. "So how's it going?" Laura asks making small talk. I shrug my shoulders, "Good just chillin'." I squeeze her left boob causing her to gasp. She starts swatting my chest with her tiny hand. But Laura being Laura. She places her hands by my nipples. She wouldn't. Laura twists her hands, giving me a terrible purple nurple. "Laura, ow, ow oww!" I wail. She releases my nipples giggling loudly. I lean down and kiss her nose. She stops laughing. "More." She asks. I kiss her cheeks and her forehead then on the corner of her lips. "Your such a tease." Laura whispers. I begin to kiss everywhere except her lips, trying to drive her mad.
Laura takes me off guard by grabbing a fist full of my shirt and pulling me forward. She latches our lips together. The kiss starts out sweet. But Laura licks my bottom lip asking for access.
I step back a little disconnecting our lips. Laura pouts. "I'm sorry. It's just that, were moving too fast. How about we relax a little and be friends?" Laura scowls at me. "You broke off a kiss with me just to say that?" I nod my head. Her features soften. "You know what? Yeah I would love to be friends." I pull her in for a hug.
"I've missed you so much." I sway our hug a little. "I missed you more." I pull back and grin. "I missed you much much more." Laura stands back. "Poppycock." I raise my brow at her. "Poppycock?" She nods her head smiling.
Me and Laura were in her dressing room. I laid upside down on her red leather couch, while she scrolled through her laptop.
Laura starts laughing making me lift up my head. "You know what I just remembered?" I sit right side up. "What?" Laura gets up from her seat and sits by me. " This." She pops her double jointed elbow in smiling evilly. I scrunch my nose at the sight. "Laura, ew, stop." She starts flaunting it in my face. I cover my face with my hands. "Ross, make peace with my elbow." I take my hands down. "Gross, no." I shake my head at her. She continues pushing it in while I make gagging noises. "Ross?" I put my hands down to see Laura looking at the floor. "Yeah?" Laura looks up biting her lip. "Was it true? You know, about being a womanizer." I rub my hands on my lap. "Of course not." I respond quietly. "But what about that girl Natasha?" I smirk a Laura. "She was a crazy fan that stalked me, so management thought we should 'date'. She was psychotic and scary." Laura started giggling at my choice of words.
"She was scary?" I nod my head.
"She manhandled me a lot and her kisses were awkward and gross, it was like kissing a slobbering dog." Laura starts laughing harder.
"So what about you? Is it true you posed nude?" Laura stops her laughing fit.
"No,no,no,no those weren't nudes! They were umm..... natural pictures."
"Laura Marie Marano! You dirty girl!" Laura lays back on the couch placing a pillow over her face. "Can I see them?" Laura lifts up the pillow a bit. "No! Ross if you even look them up I will murder you!" I get up from the couch. "They're online? Well what am I doing here." I walk over to her computer with the exercise ball. But I'm greeted with Laura's emails to Raini.
Raini:Don't Laura, Im tired of speaking to you, you ruined my marriage and made my children fatherless.
Laura: I can't believe that you're blaming me! I never laid a hand on Anthony only to smack him off my face!
Raini: Stop lying Laura! Everbody knows how lonely you were after Ross left!
Laura: Don't bring Ross into this! Your husband made a pass at me! Why are you in denial about it?
Raini: Whatever, I don't want to see your face at the reunion.
I read the emails in amazement. "Laura?" She was still laying on the couch with a pillow over her head. "I know the pictures are terrible." I turn around on the exercise ball. "No I haven't even seen them.... yet" Laura gets up the pillow falling to the floor. "Oh, well then what were you doing?" I look down at the floor ashamed. "I was reading your emails from Raini." Laura shakes her head. "She's just soo... UNBELIEVABLE!" Laura throws her hands in the air frustrated. She plops back down on the couch. I get up to grab a water bottle off the table then walk back to the exercise ball. "What happened any ways." I say as I bring the bottle to my lips. "It's a really long story." I put the bottle on the desk and wipe my lips.
"I got time."
I apologize, the story kept getting erased so I had to keep starting from scratch.
Also I need help with names for Raini's kids She has twin boys and a girl. For the present the boys are six and the girl is three and I'd like the names to be Hispanic.
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