Yellow Notebook

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AUTHORS NOTE: OKAY this is short, but big things are going to happen!! Put in the comments if you were surprised or you totally saw it coming.

Laura's POV
"Look we'll talk, just not right now." I snap my flip phone shut on Riker, just in time too cause Ross peeks his head through my door.
"Ross! Hug me!" I hold my arms out and mention for him to hug me. He slowly shuffles over and gives me a half-ass hug.
"Ross are you okay?" Ross plops down on the bed and takes a pillow and starts throwing it in the air.
"I saw Calum today, you were right, he's not all there, and why wasn't it ever in the news that he had a kid? And did you know he owns a strip club?" He stares at me incredulously. I just nodded my head and started combing through his hair. Couple minutes pass and Ross is sound asleep on my side of the bed. My phone starts to vibrate on my nightstand. Looking at the caller ID I know It's Riker.
'He's just going to keep calling.'
Sighing I grab the phone and hit 'talk'.
"Laura please talk to me." His desperate voice begs through the phone.
"Okay, okay. I'll be right over, I just need to make sure Ross is sleeping soundly." I hear Riker scoff.
"That 'boy' can sleep through an earthquake, no joke." I rolled my eyes. "Okay so come to my house the door is unlocked, and can you bring 'the' notebook?"
"Yeah, what for?" I open my dresser drawer and grab 'the' yellow note book.
"I need you to take some more notes." I raise my brow, but just shrug my shoulders.
"Okay I'll be over in 10." With that I snapped my phone shut and closed my bedroom door quietly and left to Riker's.
I open Riker's front door and get greeted with a fowl odor. Riker comes into the living room wearing sweat pants, and no shirt. He smiles sheepishly at me as he puts on a T-shirt.
"Dude, what is that smell?" I sit on the arm rest of his couch and plug my nose. Riker crosses his arms over his chest, making his muscles pop out.
"I burnt my dinner." I laugh slightly but I make an awful noise 'cause I'm still plugging my nose.
"Did you fry up a skunk?" Riker finally cracks a smile and shakes his head.
"Mac n' Cheese." My jaw drops and then I start laughing harder.
"How does one burn Mac n' Cheese?" He rolls his eyes and takes a seat at his dining table.
"Laura, get serious we have to talk." Sighing I get up from the couch and join him at the dining table placing our yellow notebook in between us. But more towards Riker, because I don't even like looking at that thing.
Riker opens it up to the first page and began reading.
'This notebook is the pledge that Riker Anthony Lynch will in no way shape or form, interfere with the life of Laura Marie Marano, or child.'
"Riker why are you bringing this up?" I already have tears welling up in my eyes.
"Because I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I agreed to do you a favor, which I thought was going to be something reasonable, like fixing your car or lifting something heavy, not 'hey can you help me have a baby?'" I look down at my lap.
"You agreed to it though, but it didn't work, so why bring it up?" Riker sighs.
"Look, I know you're going to try again with Ross, I'm not stupid,and I also know that you're going to tell him about the whole sperm donor thing, but I don't want that to affect my relationship with my brother, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." I just wanted Riker to stop talking, I feel like he wants to make me cry.
"Are you really asking me not to tell Ross about my miscarriage? You bastard, I think he deserves to know." Riker scoffs.
"What do you mean he deserves to know? He fucking left you Laura, if he was around we wouldn't be in this mess, you wouldn't have lost a baby, you-" I slapped Riker across his face. Then started punching him, but the only thing that had affect on him was the slap, I keep punching him.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Riker grabs both of my wrist and hugs me.
"Stop, he didn't leave me, he loves me, let me go, please Riker." I start balling in Riker's arms still struggling to get out.
"Laura, how long have you been in denial?" I start shaking my head back and forth.
'He's wrong, don't listen to him.'
"You slapped me 'cause you knew it was true." Finally I gave up. I rest my head on Riker's chest.
"I know he left, but he's back, and that's all that matters Riker, I love him." Riker's grip loosens on my wrists.
"But what if he leaves again? What if you miscarry again?" I pull back to look up at Riker.
"If I had lived my life in what if's, I wouldn't be who I am today." Riker nods his head and wipes a couple tears from my cheeks.
"Who are you?" I look down at my feet then look back up.
"I'm the mother of an unborn child."
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