I'm in lesbians with you

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Laura's POV

Me and Ross were cuddled up on my bed watching Scott Pilgrim Saves the World. It's 2:56 in the morning, but I'm not tired and by the look of Ross' smiling face he isn't either. I'm tracing Ross' abs through his shirt while he laughs along to the movie. "Do you think you'll ever move back?" Ross looks down at me. "I have considered it, but it too much work." I giggle a little at his laziness. "You can move in here with me and make me breakfast every morning and dinner every night, oh and lunch in the afternoons." Ross chuckles. "I would live to serve, Would you make me do dishes? Or laundry?" I poke one of his abs. "Of course I would do the laundry cause I have a feeling my favorite white dress would turn pink due to your havoc." Ross rubs my arm a bit. "You know what? I want to move down here." I stop tracing his abs. I look into his eyes to see if he's lying...He's not. "Yeah?" He nods his head and smiles. "Of course we would have to run this by josh." he teases. "Oh, he's hardly home anyways. He's been thinking about moving in with his boyfriend but he didn't want to leave me all alone." I start tracing his abs again. "It's settled Josh is moving out and I'm moving in." I hugged
Him with my one arm and nestled my head in the crook if his neck. We started paying attention to the movies. It was Scott's line that made me and Ross crack up.
'I'm In lesbians with you.'
Ross looks over at me with a serious expression. "Laura, I'm in Lesbians with you." I couldn't help but start laughing. "I love you too Ross." We both stop laughing, Ross looks at me smiling. "That came out on accident." Ross is still smiling. "Well I'm glad you said it. I still love you Laura. Always will." Ross grabs my hand and bestows a kiss on it. "Were still friends right?" I ask him. "Yeah, for now." I blush at his words.
So me and Ross are okay. Then we might go back to how we used to be, happy. The bummer is that we friend zoned each other for a while. Wait will it be to weird to ask him for a kiss? Cause I think him telling me he loves me, that he deserves a kiss. I look at Ross who is lost in thought, he is rubbing small circles in my hand. "Ross?" He looks over at me. " Huh?" I look down at our hands. "Can I have a kiss?" I look up at him then look back down. "Never mind forget it, it was stupid." He lets go of my hand and puts it under my chin forcing me to look up at him. He gives me a sweet lingering kiss. When we pull back he smiles. "Do you need anything else?" 'You' I think in my head. "No just a kiss." I smile back at him.
Laura's POV

He was relaxed in his seat drawing mindlessly on my notepad. "Why are you so quiet?" He looks up at me and shrugs. "Is something wrong?" He places the pen down "I have to tell you something." He looked worried. "Is it bad?" Ross looks me in the eyes. "Yes" I look down at my feet. So many things are racing through my mind. Did he cheat? Is it about Riker?Did I do something.
"Tell me, just rip the band-aid off fast." Ross stands up and looks at me. "I'm sorry Laura." He kisses me but I shove him off. "Cut the crap. what's wrong?" He sighs and hold my hand to his cheek. "I'm going on tour." Relief washes through me. "Oh thats it? You almost gave me a heart attack." Ross shakes his head at me. "There's more. After the tour is over I'm moving to New York." I drop my hand from his face and step back. "when?" Ross looks at his feet. "Tomorrow." then realization hits me. That's why we didn't go to his house to hang out, that's why he didn't let me stand within a ten miles by a magazine stand.
Before I know what's happening I'm on the floor hugging my knees. I wasn't aware that I was screaming till now. "Laura!" "Laura!"
"Laura!Wake up!" Open my eyes to my bedroom lit by my small lamp. I look over by my nightstand to the clock 6:24 in the morning. I look to my left to see Ross staring at me in shock. "I'm okay, it was just a dream." Ross continues to stare. "It was about me wasn't it?" He asks. I nod my had sadly. "How'd you know?" Ross takes my hand. "The last time I heard you scream like that was when I told you I was leaving." I shake my head a little. "Well I'm okay, really Ross I am. Lets just go back to sleep?" He nods his head. I turn over on my side facing him. "Can you hold me so I know your here?" I whisper. I feel two arms wrapping around me and pulling me in. "Of course." He sighs in content as he snuggles up to me, and I him.
I'm pretty sure that I'm in lesbians with you thing was pretty adorable. Right?
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