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Ross' POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Laura and that black bra. Thank the Lord she can't read my unplatonic thoughts. She was talking about the dessert table when a guy walked in, I noticed him from the commercial on T.V..
"Hey Laura, still being a bitch I see." The blood boils under my skin at his harsh words towards Laura. "Hey Nathan, still being an ass I see." she fires back. I gasp at her potty mouth. She didn't cuss that much when we were younger. But when she did I was sure to pester her about it.
"Well I will see you later for our smooch, can't wait." Nathan says than gives me a glance like 'I can kiss her you can't' it makes my stomach churn. "What the hell was that?" I ask Laura. she shrugs "Don't worry it's routine for us." she reassures me. "I can literally kill him for what he said to you." seethe. She smiles slightly and sighs. "Don't even give him a fraction of your mind Ross."
Should I listen to her? I can sprint and tear his he-.. I just nod my head being thankful she can't read my thoughts. Wanting to change the subject I ask the first question that comes to mind. " Where's your dressing room?" I panic for a second cause it sounds like I'm trying to get with her. But she just smiles and grabs my hand.

Walking into her dressing room I smile at at the bright A light on her wall. I was wondering where that went, I kept asking the prop guys if I can have it after 'Austin&Ally' was over, but they would say that someone threatened them to have it.
"So you're the one who threatened the prop guys?" I say amused. She glares "Yeah they told me you kept pestering them about it."
I roll my eyes and look more around her room. She has a bunch of pictures of California & her old dog. But I sadly notice that she doesn't have any of Calum, Raini, her parents or me. She has a silver desk with her Mac on top. A book shelf with the classics. 'Pride & Prejudice' 'Romeo & Juliet', and 'Wurthering Heights' and of course her tattered 'Harry Potter' books are standing out in their terrible state.
Her red leather couch nestled up in the corner by her window blocked by black curtains. I raised my eyebrow at them.
This girl loves sunlight. Why isn't she letting it in?
She notices me staring at them.
"It's to keep the photographers out." she whispers. I nod my head and continue to look around.
That's when I saw it. The shiny chain and the charm on it made my breath catch.
My old whistle necklace rests on her coffee table.
Laura rushes to get it really fast, but I grab her by her waist and plop on the couch with her in my arms. She's struggling to get out of my arms but I just wrap them around her.
"Ross!" she squeals. I start tickling her sides, making loud laughs erupt from her.
Her arms a squirming everywhere. Her elbow takes a blow at my rib.
The air is knocked out of me for a second.
I hear apologies coming from her mouth right away.
I just start laughing.
"Why were you going to hide the necklace?"
I ask out of breath.
"It's embarrassing." she mumbles.
I turn her over to face me.
Her eyes are dilated and her mouth is parted.
I slowly start leaning in.

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