Pillow fights& midnight frights

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Ross' POV

Rydel gave me a glass of water and tissues to blow my nose, after hysterically crying in her car... and on her couch...

She made Ellington leave as soon as we got here, I felt bad because he forgot his shirt.

"Now, can you speak clearly without wheezing?" I placed the glass cup down and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch hugging it tightly to my chest.

"Sh-she was pregnant, with Riker, I-i always knew something happened between them, but nothing like this, and everybody knew! I can't believe my own family would keep this from me!" I got up and chucked the pillow at Rydel. It hit her in the face and fell on the floor. She sighed loudly and picked the pillow up plotting it on her couch. She has like 20 of them on there.

I grabbed 2 more and thew them at her, but she kept placing them back, not affected at all by what I was doing. So I grabbed an arm full and dumped them over her, this time she shoved me back on the couch and grabbed a pillow and started hitting me with it.

"I was only allowing you to throw those pillows at me because I know your hurting!" She stopped hitting me and hugged me. "I will be your punching bag... I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Laura thought it'd be best. And plus no one would've been able to get a hold of you, you cut off contact with us. You missed my 25th birthday, you missed Raini having kids! You left our family for god knows what!"

Great, I made Rydel cry.

"I feel like I've apologized for leaving a thousand times already." Rydel sat up and wiped under her eyes.

"You didn't apologize to me yet." She kept crying, even when I kept apologizing. "Why did you leave?" She whispered. I looked down at my feet, trying to forget what happened.

"I want to tell you, so bad. But I'm not ready to bring skeletons out of my closets... Can I sleep here please?" I begged trying to change topics. She nodded her head.

" uh, yeah, I'll go get you some blankets." She started walking towards a closet, but stopped. "I don't think you should be so hard on Laura. She was a wreck after you left, and on top of that she lost her best friends, her dad, her mom, her sister. I was surprised that losing that baby wasn't the end for her. She's brave. I could never imagine losing mine and Ell-." Rydel's breath hitched and I froze.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, but is there something you want to tell me?" Rydel came back over with a blanket and pillow for me then smiled shyly at me.

"I had a dream." I scoffed and unfolded the blanket.

"What does a dream have to do with what you just said?" I knock all of the pillows off the couch and place my pillow by the arm rest.

"Well, it was of a little girl, with brown eyes, and my blonde hair. She had Ellington's nose and his lips but she was amazing! I know it's weird but I'm in love with someone that doesn't exist." Rydel wraps her arms around her self and sighs.

"I know how you feel. I was in love with Raven from the Teen Titans." She rolled her eyes and groaned.

"When I wake up, those pillows better be cleaned up." She grabs one off the floor and throws it at me then starts walking away.

She's not getting the last hit!

I grabbed a round fluffy pillow and chucked it in the hallway. I heard the pomf noise it made hitting her.




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