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Laura's POV

What the hell just happened? One second I was about to praise Ross for his sweet words about his sister, but what comes out was my strangled scream as I seen a man behind the rink window with a gun. I didn't know what else to do. But Ross fell to the ground hitting his head on the ice pretty hard. The man was pointing the gun at me, but he got tackled to the ground by security before he could even pull the trigger. I look down at Ross, who was staring at me, slightly dazed. The blood starts spreading around him, staining the crystal white floors. I let out a scream at the horrid sight before me.
'This isn't happening. It has to be a nightmare.'
Two arms wrap around me causing me to scream louder. I'm getting pulled away from Ross and the rink.
The person sets me down on a bench. It was Riker.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?!" I put my face in my hands.
"Physically or mentally?" I breathe out. Riker sits beside me and takes me in his arms as I ball.
"Is he okay? I can't lose someone else." Riker looks at me, knowing I'm not talking about my father.
"I don't know, but lets hope for the best." I nod my head.
Me and Riker went to the hospital to go see Ross. In the waiting room some fans where silently sitting there, surprisingly. They each have dreadful tears in their eyes.
'They probably know him better than I do.'
One of the girls looks at me somber.
"Why him? Why not you." She cries out. Some girls nod in agreement. I look down a little.
"I was wondering the same thing." I brake in front of these girls, who have devoted their lives to following him. Sometimes I wish I did the same. Riker grabs my hand leading me away from the crowd.
"We can wait in here." He leads me into a private waiting room.
"The others are coming later." I nod my head and curl up on the couch. Being with my thoughts and Riker was surly going to drive me mad.
It all happened so fast, I don't even know if Ross got shot. But the mans eyes will haunt me for awhile, or forever. What was his motive? Was it just like every other celebrity shooting? Just a crazed man? But those eyes had much more than crazy, psychotic sure, but there was also sadness.
I hear a knock on the door. Riker gets up to let in Rocky, Ryland, Rydell, Ellington, Stormie and Mark. Stormie looks at me sorrowful as if she's thinking. 'What the hell happened to my baby?'
After two hours of hearing sniffles and people trying to hold back their cries. The doctor finally made an appearance. He went directly to Mark and Stormie. I hear some whispers escaping their conversation. Things such as 'might not' or 'can't insure' have me digging my finger nails into my arm. The doctor leaves the room silently and Mark follows behind him. Stormie stands, wiping underneath her eyes as she takes a seat next to me.
"The doctor said Ross lost a lot of blood." I nod my head and grab a pillow to hug.
"Did he get shot?" Stormie shakes her head sniffling.
"He's got a mild concussion." I squeeze the pillow tightly, burying my head in it to let it soak up my tears. I lift my head to look Ross' mother in the eyes.
"Where'd Mark go?" Stormie gives me a slight smile.
"He went to donate blood." I sit there for awhile. I'm happy Ross has a wonderful caring family. If the roles were switched, I wouldn't have anybody here to donate blood for me, or even for comfort.
"So, me and the kids are going to go see Ross, and we decided you can see him last, also if you're going to stay the night here you are more than welcomed to sweetie, but of course Ratliff and Rydel will stay with you." I set the pillow down on the couch and practically launch myself at Stormie. I wrap her in the tightest hug I can manage.
"Thank you so much Stormie." She hugs me back, rubbing my back soothingly.
"I know how much he means to you, and how much you mean to him. Laura, do you realize how much you've changed my son? He didn't want to be on Disney at first because when he grew up his fans wouldn't. But the day after the script reading, he kept smiling and do you know what my boy said to me?" I shake my head, joyously crying at her words.
"Ross looked me in the eyes and said.'I never want to grow up.' That night my baby went to sleep with a smile on his face saying your name constantly. You're his reason to smile." I look down at the floor. If I would have heard this when he went to New York I would have screamed in your face till you stopped talking. Now, I'm so moved at the fact that I was never a burden to Ross, I affected his life just as much as he affected mine. He was my reason to smile.
The others shuffled back into the room. Stormie and Mark say good bye to me, while Ryland just waves by the door. Rocky gives me a hug and ruffles my hair. Riker was hesitating by the door. As Rocky was walking out the door he slaps Rikers butt. Riker just freezes and stares at me wide eyed.
"You should go." He flips his bangs.
"Are you sure Laur?" I sigh and run a hand through my hair.
"Yes I'm sure, and besides I got Rydel and Ellington." Riker nods his head slightly and heads out the door. Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn to see Rydel.
"I just wanted to warn you, the doctors gave Ross some morphine, so no he's not in a coma, just heavily drugged." Ratliff nods his head beside her. 'He's not awake?' I was slightly disappointed, I wanted to see his eyes light up, or make him tear up with laughter at my idiotic rambles.
I look at Ross in the hospital bed guilty. His head was bandaged up some.
The slow beat of the heart monitor was not reassuring me right now.
I lay my head down on Ross' torso
"Theres no way I can make it without ya, do it without ya, be here without ya." I sing softly, as I stare at his broken form.
"It's no fun when you're doing a solo, with you it like woah." My tears are streaming harder now. I grabbed Ross' IVed hand, wishing it would react like it used to, but it doesn't contract around mine, or rub little circles on my thumb. It's just limp. "Ross, I'm sorry." I wait awhile to see if he responds.
"The doctors said, that um." I wipe my face and ball out the last words. "They said you lost a lot of blood, but don't worry Mark donated for you."
I stare down at the man who has captured my heart, hoping he could use it to try and heal himself. The bad times coming to mind, wishing I can change them. I shake my head and try to think of a good memory.
"Do you remember when we first met? It was when I got a tour of the set of Austin&Ally. You were so nice to me, well you still are, anyways I just remember accidentally going into your dressing room because they didn't have names on the doors. But as soon as I open it, I was greeted with the smell of spray paint and your crazy brothers. They kept asking me a bunch of questions till you came into the room. The first time I seen you, I was surly a goner." I let out a little laugh. "And the first question I asked you was 'Is that your natural hair color?' I just remember thinking, 'dang ruined it with the hottie already.'" Ross' heart monitor picks up a little, but not crazy.
"If your hearing all of this, do not tease me about it later Ross Shore Lynch." The monitor picks up again. I look down at our hands. I must be losing my mind cause I swear his hand just squeezed mine.
"I must be going crazy, Rydel told me you're drugged." I hear mumbling.
"I'm high for life." I shake my head.
"Shut up Ross I'm trying to find the mumbling noise." I look around the room for awhile till I freeze.
"Okay bossy." I look at Ross to see his eyes slightly open and a smirk on his lips.
"How are you awake?" Ross shrugs his shoulders.
"I heard you singing, oh and something about me being a hottie." I bite my lip. I'm so overjoyed that he's awake, and joking.
"So, how's your head?" Ross looks at his bedside table and grabs the cup of water.
"I seriously can't feel it." He places the cup back, knocking it over.
"Or anything else." He adds as he watches water drip from the nightstand. He should really get back to sleep so he can heal, I almost have the urge to call the nurse to sedate him again.
"Ross, you really need to get some rest."He sighs rubbing circles in my hand.
"I don't think I have a choice, it's hard keeping my eyes open." I shake my head smiling.
"Only you would try to fight morphine. But seriously go to sleep." He holds my hand tighter.
"Okay I will but, I've got some things to say. First, I want you to stay in here with me. Second, sing a couple of songs, so I know you're here. And third, be my girlfriend."He smiles at me as if he was just simply reading a summary of a book.
"Yes to what? One, two or three?" I lean into Ross our faces centimeters apart.
"Figure it out hottie." I lean in giving Ross a sweet kiss. He frowns when I pull away.
"Now go to sleep before I call the nurse to drug you again." Ross rolls his eyes which shut right away.
Well he wanted me to sing.

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke - I'm just a broken-hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do?
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you?

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street

So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here."
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows.
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go."

So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving

People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl, oh ohh
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world, hmm

And maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Okay so, I made this extra long chapter to apologize for not writing.
I have no excuse because my life is boring, but you guys have motivated me with your begs of 'PLZ UPDATE'
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