Chapter Twelve

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We arrived at school by 8:26am. Mom had gotten a call earlier in the car and said she had to go to the office first so i made my way in, while everybody pointed and laughed at me. I felt like i wanted to cry but i kept strong. I opened my locker to take my bag out but it wasn't there so i sighed and closed it.

"Hey," i heard after closing the locker door. It was Casie, she had a bright smile.

"Hey," i called back to her dully and her smile faded.

"What's wrong now," she asked and i shook my head.

"You can't tell me that," she held on to my hand.

"Its ok," i said and she shook my hand.

"Come on, you can tell me," she continued to shake my hand. She shook it until i was just irritated.

"Maleek stop!" I shouted and the hallway went quiet and she let go of me. I looked around and completely everyone was looking at me.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked looking at Casie.

"You called me, Maleek,"she said and i shook within myself and looked around then i ran off to the bathroom to hide away from the staring crowd.

That was so embarassing, i knew it came back to haunt me. Why now? Why at this moment?

"Hey, what happened back there?" I heard then looked up in the mirror and saw Casie looking at me weirdly.

"I don't know," i answered and looked away.

"Who the hell his Maleek?" She asked and i tried to pretend like i didn't hear the name.

"Ally?" She came over to me.

"I don't want to talk about it," i tried to get her to stop.

"Yes, you're gonna talk about it, I'm tired of hearing this i dont want to talk about it thing," she sounded frustrated and i sighed. I never thought i would ever do this.

"Ok... Maleek is my older brother," i spoke not looking at her but she was looking at me, and when i said his name all the memories of him came back to me and i closed my eyes to block them out.

"You had an older brother?" She asked surprised snd i nodded.

"So why did you call me maleek, did he die?" She asked," because i know some siblings are that close when it comes on to family," she spoke again and i sighed and shook my head.

"I wish he was dead," i said and she gasped a little," apparently we were close but he wanted to be closer than family, he wanted, incest," i said and she gasped in shock and i looked at her.

"Oh my God,"she still looked shocked.

"He ahhh, he forced me...," i started but i just think i couldn't finish as my eyes started to fill with tears. I looked away from her and shook my head then closed my eyes.

"He forced you into having sex with him," Casie spoke and the tear escaped my eye.

"Yes, I used to call him mal but i didn't know the reason why he loved when i called him mal was because he was attracted to me," i started crying slowly.

"He came in my room one day when i was in the bathroom, i was almost naked, i was in my bra and shorts at the time... and he said, Wow, when he saw me, just staring down at my breast," i shook my head while i cried and gripped the counter.

"Oh my God, he's physco," Casie spoke.

"That's what i thought until i saw that he wasn't, he pushed me against the door and started touching me... and kissing me," i cried harder and Casie started rubbing my back.

"Jesus Christ," she spoke disgusted.

"I pushed him away and slapped him... but then he grabbed me by the throat and that's when i got these marks," i eased up and showed her my neck and she gasped and touch my neck.

"That's why you wear these clothes," she spoke and i nodded and covered up my neck and wiped my face.

"Wait, those aren't the only ones are they?" She asked and i looked away from her.

"Yes, they are," i lied and she looked at me weird but then she dropped it.

"So how old were you?" She asked.

"Twelve," i answered and she looked at me unbelievably.

"I'm afraid to ask how old he was," she spoke like she didn't want to say anything.

"...seventeen," i said and she gasped and covered her mouth.

"My God, he's a freaking physco, perv" she looked shocked.

"Can we just forget about it, I've been trying to forget about it but i-," i began.

"You keep having dreems, don't you," she spoke and i looked away from her," it's like it's just replaying," she spoke queitly and i nodded.

"It gets worst everytime, and sometimes its like the marks and cuts hurt like they're happening over and over again," i spoke and she just listened.

"That's why you never really want people to touch you?" She asked and i nodded.

"Ok well, we can forget you told me, i won't say a word to anyone, not even my inner spirit," she spoke and i smiled.

"That's impossible," i said and she laughed a little.

"We know this, but all I'm trying to say is, that's how secret I'm gonna keep it," she spoke and i looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you," i said and she moved in for a hug.

"You don't have to say that," she hugged on to me.

'Riiinnnnggg' 'Riiiinnnggg'

"Oh, that's the bell, let's go," she pulled away and i checked my face then we left for class.

                     Brad's P.O.V.
I parked my car and got out. Mom said she'd show up soon and i was not to worry because it was gonna be sorted out.

I walked into school. I didn't see any of my friends so i headed down the hallway.

"Maleek stop!" I heard an out burst and it caught my attention because it came from... the new girl?

I halted in my position and so did everyone. I was like so shocked. Its the third time I've heard her said something, I think.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" She asked looking around but didn't seem to see me. Her friend who stood infront her seemed terrified. I wonder what happened.

"You called me, maleek," her friend spoke and she looked around then ran off. She seemed embarrassed.

"What the hell just happened?" My friend Malcom came up to me and we bumped fist.

"I don't have a clue," i watched as the new girl's friend ran off.

"So, i hear she's the one you have a thing for," he looked at me and i looked at him.

"Who told you that?" I looked away from him.

"It's almost all around school man," i saw him smiled through the corner of my eye.

I didn't know whether to tell him the truth or nah. I really think i have feelings for her but after she finds out that I'm getting in trouble, i doubt she's gonna want to talk to me.

"So is it true?" He asked and i looked at him.

"Look man, i gotta go," i touched his shoulder then walked away.

"I still want an answer Collins!" He shouted as i walked away and i turned to give him a thumbs up and continued on my way down the hall.

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