Chapter Forty-four

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I cried the whole night, i didn't sleep, well i couldn't sleep. I was torn apart, i cried until my eyes were puffy and red. I laid across the bed with a box of tissue to blow my nose, i had already use about twenty of them.

"I mean like why? i was only trying to make him feel what i felt," i spoke sniffing then i blew my nose.

"Honey it's not the end of the world," mom spoke while she was busy picking up my clothes.

"Yes it is, my life is completely ruined now, at first i thought it was ruined but then i felt alive again then this happens, it's like the wind finally blew out my torch," i cried more and mom sighed.

"Ally it was just a break-up, not the-" mom began and sat up shocked.

"Just a break-up!" I shouted. I was like on the verge of dying.

"Ok, calm down, you are taking this way too far," mom dropped the clothes and looked at me and i slumped back unto the bed.

"I can't calm down, my boyfriend left me mom, my first boyfriend that i ever had," i cried and she sighed. I was just at my saddest point right now.

"Mom, i don't know how to take it," i cried and she walked over to me.

"Honey, it's gonna be ok," she came to sit beside me and moved my hair out my face.

"I feel so broken," i spoke then blew my nose.

"I know honey, it happens, but you're gonna get over it, it's just alot to take in that's all," mom tried to make me feel better but i kept thinking about him and it caused me to cry more.

"It's more than alot," i spoke.

"Are you hungry? I can make some blueberry pancakes, your favourite," mom spoke i sniffed.

"That would be great but i don't think i can eat in this state, I'm too broken," i spoke and mom shook her head and got up.

"I'll carry them up when I'm done," she walked off. She knew there's no way i could say no to pancakes.

"Ok," i said and she left then my phone rang. I lazily reached for it and answered it.

"Hey, how are you doing?" It was Casie. They all heard what happened lastnight.

"I'm totally not ok," i answered and started crying.

"Oh my god, you sound like a disaster," she spoke then sighed.

"I'm coming over," she spoke then i sniffed.

"Ok," i said then hang up.

I sat up took up my blanket, the box of tissue and put my phone in my pocket then slowly made my way down the livingroom with the help of the wall and railing, plus a few other things.

I took my time and sat in the couch and fixed the blanket over me carefully trying not to hurt my hand or neck. I took up the remote and turned on the tv. When i looked what was going on it was High School Musical, but i wanted to cry more when i saw which part was going on, the part where Gabriel leaves troy saying she had to go her own way.

"I gotta go my own way," i sang along as i cried.

I closed my eyes as the tears ran down my face. I couldn't bare this feeling. I seriously couldn't. This is like the end of the world for me. I continued to close my eyes until i fell asleep.

"Honey, there is someone here to see you," i was awaken by mom and she helped me to sit up.

"Who is it?" I asked her as she pushed the wheelchair infront me.

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