Chapter Thirty-eight

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Brad's P.O.V.
We all sat in sat in silence while waiting to hear from the doctor if we could see Ally and Casie, and we still don't know where malcom went.

"Alain," a pregnant lady in a purple dress and black flats entered carrying a blue and white baby bag and a little boy who was in a white merrena with a black jeans pants and jordans and was sleeping. Who was she?

"Michelle," alain rushed over to her and took the little boy, then the lady called to us," hello everyone," she smiled.

"Hello," we called back to her as they came to sit. She looked tired.

"I came as fast as i heard, is she ok?" Michelle spoke with alain.

"I wish i could say so, I'm just happy she's alive," alain spoke and the pregnant lady sighed.

"Where's Maleek?" Alain asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Michelle asked confused.

"Tell me what?" Alain asked.

"There was a break-in lastnight, someone came in on him and tried to kill him, while the baby and i were asleep," Michelle spoke and i looked over at them. Alain looked ratherly shocked.

"What? Is he ok?" Alain asked.

"Just a few bruises, but he's fine," Michelle answered," he's at home sleeping, not feeling so good," she spoke again amd Alain shook her head.

"Why are people so determined to destroy my family?" Alain asked looking up.

One Hour And A Half Later........
The doctor walks in," she's awake," he spoke and i got up and so did everyone.

"What about Casie?" Casie's mom walked forward.

"You can see her too," the doctor answered with a smile," Come with me please," he looked at everyone and we all walked off following him.

He showed Casie's parents to Casie's room then led us to Ally. I looked at mom and she looled at me.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing," i answered and looked away and she held on to my hand.

"Here we are, she's inside," we stopped at a door then the doctor walked away. Alain entered then so did everyone. I looled over at tray, Ryan and carla and they smiled.

"Ally?"alain touches her forehead that was bandaged and she opened her eyes. Her left hand was broken and her neck was sprained. I looked at her foot and i remembered that the doctor had said she wouldn't be able to walk again and i took a deep breath.

"Where's Brad?" I heard my name and i looked at ally and she looked at me and smiled and i felt like crying but i smiled and walked over to her.

"I'm here," i answered and she intertwined her right hand fingers with mine.

"I miss you," she smiled and i looked at tray, Ryan and Carla who had walked around to the other side of the bed.

"I thought i was gonna lose you," i smiled back at her and she closes her eyes slowly and opens them again.

"Hey Ally," tray smiled at her and she looked over at him then Ryan then Carla.

"Tray, you never cease to make me smile," she smiled and her mom looked happy.

"Then there's Ryan, i think you should join the army," she spoke and we laughed at little," you're always serious but, you still know how to make me laugh," she smiled.

"Oh, you're Carla, i never really got to meet you," she looked at Carla and Carla smiled.

"I remember something," ally stopped smiling and we all gave each other weird glances.

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