Chapter Thirty-five

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"Oh my God," i covered my mouth in shocked and worry. I killed him.

I started pacing back and forth worried. I looked at his body again and i started flashing my finger then i bit it. Oh my God i killed him.

I took out my phone and started dialling Brad's number. It rang and went to voicemail. Shit!

I dialled his number five more times and they all went to voicemail so i decided to call casie, i got voicemail and tried again and she answered.

"Hello? It's almost 3:00am in the morning, please let this be important," I heard he sleepy voice.

"Casie, i think i killed someone," i spoke looking at maleek on the floor.

"What?" She sounded more awaken.

"I think i killed someone," i spoke again and covered my mouth.

"Oh my God," she spoke unbelievably.

"I don't know what to do" I spoke really worried.

"I don't know what to tell you," she spoke.

"How fast can you get here?" I asked.

"I can't leave my house, if mom and dad found out I'd be dead, I'm sorry, and i don't even know where you live," she spoke and i worried even more. What the hell was i gonna do.

"Please casie, i need you, it's 25 Queens Avenue," i begged.

"Ally, i want to but i can't," she spoke and i almost started crying.

"Please casie, this is serious, please," i begged harder and she sighed.

"Ok, I'll see what i can do," she spoke and i almost screamed and shouted.

"Thanks," i said and looked back at maleek he was still lying down looking lifeless.

"Don't mention it," she spoke then hang up.

I put the phone in my pocket and knelt down to check on maleek. I reached over and rocked him but he didn't budge and i got up and pulled on my hair, wondering what the f#€k did i do to him.

"I came as fast as i could," casie spoke as i let her in. She found her way ok.," although i wasn't sure this was your house, its so f#€king huge," she looked around.

"Thank you so much for coming," i spoke closing the door.

"So what happened?" She asked seeing my worried look.

"It's in the kitchen," i walked off leading the way to the kitchen.

"Your house is huge girl," i heard her behind me. It's not time for that I'm in a serious situation right now.

We walked up to the kitchen door and i didn't look in because i couldn't bare the fact that i killed someone.

"What?" She asked looking in.

"He's on the floor," i said looking at the wall.

"Umm, Ally...there's no one in here," she spoke and i pushed her and look inside. No one was there for real. He got up?? So he's not dead.

"He was right there," i walked in and pointed on the floor. What was weird was that the toaster was on the counter and the pan was in the sink and my towel was gone, but i gasped and covered my mouth when i saw that the knife drawer was out...and empty. I started freaking out inside.

"What?" Casie asked walking in.

"We need to get out of here, now," i stopped her and she looked around confused.

"Look," i pointed at the pan, toaster and then the knife drawer." That pan was on the floor and that toaster too, and the knifes are missing," i spoke softly and she gasped.

"I don't wanna die, I'm too young," she started freaking out amd walking around crazily.

"Casie stop," i held on to her.

"Nobody is gonna die, lets just get out of here and report this shit," i got serious and she swallowed hard then nodded.

"Ok lets go," i spoke then we hurried out to the front door.

I opened the door and we ran over to the car that casie drove, while she still freaked out. We entered and she hurriedly started the car with her trembling hands then off we where.

"What the hell?" She just blurted out breathing hard," what the hell did i get my self into?" She asked.

"I'm sorry," i apologized for bringing her into it.

"Who was it?" She asked.

"Maleek," i answered.

"Oh my God, he's a f#€king phsyco," she cursed,"why would he want to kill you?" She asked.

"I guess he hates me to that point," i answered.

"Aren't you freaking out?" She asked looking at me as we sped down the narrow road.

"Ofcourse Casie," i answered with a little anger.

"You don't seem to be worried," she spoke keeping her eyes on the road.

"I am, you aren't more worried than me ok," i spoke and she glanced at me then a bright light flashed through the glass and i could see a car heading out way.

"Casie watch out!" I shouted and she screamed and swang the car and it ran off the road down a slope and we screamed out.

'Huff!' And that the last thing i remember.

"Emergency, get out of the way!" I heard shouts so i opened my eyes and saw alot of lights passing by.

"Get the doctor, she's in really bad condition!" I heard another shout.

I started groaning when i realised my whole body was in pain. I tried to move my hand but a pain erupted, it's definately broken. Tears ran from my eyes when i couldn't bare it anymore.

"She's awake and losing alot of blood people!" I heard another shout.

"Ally Jackson, 16 years old....Casie Moore 16 years old," i heard my name and i tried to say something but i was in too much pain then my eyes slowly started to close.

"We are losing her!" I heard some one shout.

"Stay with me ally," i felt someone tapped my cheek twice and i opened my eyes and i saw a lady. I tried but i couldn't stay with her, my eyelids shut down. Lights out.

"Is she awake?" I heard and i opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. The place was quiet and peaceful.

"Yes you can see her now," i heard again and i tried to sit up, but failed when i felt the pain.

A felt a little amount of pain but not like before. I almost gasped when i couldn't feel my left hand and neck.

"Honey?" I heard a voice then i saw her over me.

"Mom?" I spoke and she smiled but looked like she wanted to cry when she looked down at my condition.

"How are you feeling honey?" She asked and touched my forehead and i winced in pain.

"Mom, I'm ok once you don't touch anything," i spoke and my voice cracked but i didnt dear clear my throat. I couldn't bare to feel the pain.

"I'm sorry honey," she apologized.

"It's ok," i said.

"What happened?" She asked and i looked away from her.

"I...." i began but i couldn't come out with anything. It's like i was blank.

"Ally?" I heard mom and i looked at her.

"I....i don't remember," i spoke and she looked surprised.

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