Chapter Twenty-One

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Brad's P.O.V
I arrived at school early and was talking to Ryan when a smoking hot Ferrari drove in and everyone turned to look at it. I really wanted to see who was driving.

When it parked and the door opened i saw Casie stepped out then Ally?? She's the owner?? I never knew she drove but her car is still smoking hot.

She looked at me and turned away quickly. Did i mess up that bad?

"Hey brad," i heard then saw a group of girls surrounding us.

"Hey," i said looking at them weird.

"We know it's not prom yet but we just wanted you to know that we're voting for you," the one that looked like the leader spoke.

"Oh...," i looked at Ryan and he shrugged.

"Yea, oh don't worry Ryan we'll get people to vote for you too," she spoke with a bitchy smile and i smiled.

"Thank you," Ryan rolled his eyes.

"So, who's your date Brad?" She asked and the other girls got excited.

"Umm...," i looked at Ryan.

"You have to pick one of us," she spoke and Ryan laughed out and i almost laughed. This is some joke or something.

"Is this some joke?" I asked looking at all of them.

"No, we're talking about real life, so choose," she spoke again and i smiled and shook my head. Unbelievable.

I looked up and i saw Ally and my smile faded. She looked angry. She was almost shouting at Casie about something and i looked at Ryan.

"Yea I see it," he spoke and i looked back at them, then saw Malcom approaching and Ally stormed off and almost bumped into him. I wonder what happened.

"Somethings wrong," i said and he nodded.

"Oh...i see, that's her," i heard then saw that the girls were also looking at Ally.

"What?" I said and she folded her arms.

"You clearly don't wanna go with any of us but you wanna go with her?" She asked getting angry and i looked at her weird. Hold i even know her?

"Well, you just lost our votes," she said then they all walked away.

"You didn't need it anyway," Ryan touched my shoulder with a smiled and i smiled and shook my head. Unbelievable.

"I gotta go find out what happened," i said and walked off to go talk with Casie and Malcom.

"Hey," i walked up to them.

"Hey Brad," she said clearly still angry.

"Hey man," Brad and i bumped fist.

"What's going on?" I asked and Casie folded her arms and looked away from me.

"Casie?" I spoke again.

"You're what's going on ok," she dropped her arms then walked away.

"Me? What did i do?" I said but she didn't stop to answer.

"They have got to stop doing that, " Ryan spoke and i looked at him then her.

"Let's go," i said then we head into school.

Ally's P.O.V
I stormed into school and walked to my locker i locked away my stuffs angrily and slammed the door.

"Awww poor little baby, Brad turned you down," i heard and i turned to see two girls behind me with arms folded and bitchy smiles and i wasn't in the mood to be Mrs.Nice girl.

"What do you want?" I asked and they smiled at each other.

"We want you to stay away from Brad," they said and i was gonna laugh but it was serious.

"Look, i don't want brad and I'm not stopping you from having him, he's all yours," i said and started walking away.

"Too bad he wouldn't want a loser like you," i heard and i stopped.

"I think i know why you'll never get's because he's not into sluts," i said walking back up to them.

"Little bitch," she landed a slap across my face and i dipped to the side and held my jaw. That happened so fast that i was shocked.

"This needs to stop," i said and raised up angrily and slapped her really hard across the face and she almost fell.

"It's a cat fight!!!" I heard a shout.

She dropped her bag and so did i. She ran up and i slapped her again and she held on to me and pushed me into the locker and my back ached. I started beating her back as the cheering crowd roared. I eased her off and kick her in the stomach and she went flying into the crowd.

"You're not getting away with this," i heard then felt i slap across my face and retaliated with another one to her friend that had intervened and she fell to the ground and i started over to the other girl that hit me first.

She ran up to me and i pushed her and she hit in the locker then i was about to hit her again when someone held on to me lifting me off the ground and i screamed for them to let me go.

"Ally stop," i heard that sweet voice of his.

"I'm gonna get you!" I heard and saw the girl coming towards us with a crowd of people behind her.

She grabbed on to my hair and started pulling and i fight back as they tried to part us and the crowd roared and jump wanting to see more.

I was soon pulled away from her and held on to tightly.

"Ally calm down," i heard Casie's voice and i saw her holding to my hand.

I was so angry that i didn't even want to talk to anyone. I was pissed to tha limit man. I was so sick and tired of them telling me to leave Brad alone. I'm not the one who talked to brad he talked to me. Imagine if they knew we almost kissed.

"Are you calm?" I heard and they let me go.

"You two to the principal's office now!" I heard a shout then saw the Vice Principal standing in the middle of the hallway looking real angry.

I pushed off Brad who was the one that had held on to me and walked my way to the principal's office.

"I cannot believe you two," Mr.Barrett looked at us ashamed.

"She started it," the girl pointed at me and i looked at her unbelievably.

"Ms.Jackson?" Mr.Barrett spoke amd i looked at him.

"You can't be serious believing her, she's lying, she was the one who hit me first," i answered and Mr.Barrett looked back at the girl.

"She called me a slut," she spoke.

"But you had no right to hit me," i said.

"Yes i had every right, you disrespected me," she said.

"Oh you think you're some queen bee here?" I asked.

"Girls!" We heard and both looked at Mr.Barrett.

"You're both wrong," he spoke and we both folded our arms and sat back.

"Now, you both have to pay for your actions....detention," he spoke and my eyes rose.

"No, i can't- I've never-" i said and he looked at me.

"Yes you can and you will, end of this story, both of you get out," he spoke and i got up and walked out.

I was now more angrier than ever. I didn't want to talk to anyone right about anything and anybody in my way would just get put down real hard. I walked my way to my class.

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