Chapter Thirty-nine

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Ally's P.O.V.
Three Days Later...(Tuesday)

It's Tuesday morning. The morning i get to leave this place. I was awaken by a nurse for breakfast. Porridge....what an awful sight. I was about to eat when mom showed up with david. He came to visit monday along with Tyreke, even a few people from school came too and so did Malcom,Tray, Carla, Ryan and Kameel, but no Brad. I was so angry, so angry with him.

"Hey, isn't brad here?" Mom came over to me looking around the room.

"No, he must have gotten caught up on the way," i pushed the porridge aside.

"Hey," david smiled at me amd i sat up. I was able to sit up now. I was getting back my strength day by day.

"Hey," i called back to him with a smile.

"Who's ready to go home?" He asked.

"Me," i smiled and he laughed. He was like a older brother to me.

"Let me get the chair," mom smiled and walked out. Yea. I had to use a wheelchair to get around.

"Knock, knock," i heard and looked to the door. It was Casie, standing with two crotch under her arms and a neck brace around her neck. She struggled in and i watched her every move.

"Hey,"i smiled and she looked up at me with a smile. She seems to be doing good.

"This is so cool," she looked at her crotches and smiled. I gave her a weird glance and so did david.

"You're parents should really check you out, your brain doesn't seem to be working properly, you're like totally insane," i spoke and she laughed. What is cool in walking with crotches under your armpits and a broken leg?

"Shut up," she smiled." So what are you waiting for? Jump down," She asked me and i looked at my feet. I couldn't even feel them, i couldn't feel anywhere from my thigh to my toes.

"Ally? Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked looking over at david then me.

"What is going on?" She asked again then mom shows up with the wheels. Great, you're just in time mom

"I got it," she came in and casie looks at me shocked. It's full time she knows. She would have to find out some day.

"Hey casie, i see you are doing great," mom smiles at her but she still has the shocked expression on her face then mom smile faded.

"You can't walk?" She looked over at me and i sighed. "Why am i just knowing about this?" She asked.

"Casie, please, you have to understand that-" mom began.

"Understand what? That my best friend is paralyzed and nobody told me?" She asked then she looked at me disappointed and crotched her way out angrily.

"Casie?" I called to her but she kept going.

"Honey, let her go, she'll come around, give her some time to heal " mom came over to me and i nodded.

David soon lift me up and put me in the wheelchair and mom fixed my sling. My neck hurt after all the lifting and fixing. Soon we were on our way out. David pushed the wheel chair and mom carried the other stuffs.

Brad's P.O.V.
Its now three days since the accident and i haven't went back to the hospital since ally ran me out. I wasn't on talking terms with mom and my life just continues to get worst because I've been lying to the guys about visiting ally.

We all went to school monday and the place was dull and boring. There was no Ally and no Casie. We all couldn't wait for the last bell to ring so we could leave. They all headed to the hospital but i headed home, where i stayed in my room and regret all the wrong things i ever did.

I Want You No Matter WhatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora