Chapter Thirty-seven

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Brad's P.O.V.
It's almost an hour now and we haven't heard from the doctors and I'm even more more than before. Ally's mom came back looking a bit angry. I wonder what happened.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Mullins," i heard and looked up just to see a man standing at the door looking at us with a notepad in his hand.

"You're Ally's doctor?" I asked getting up along with Alain.

"Yes and also Casie," he answeres and malcom who was just staring into space got up.

"How are they?" The lady who i found out was Casie's mom asked and the doctor sighed.

"So? Are they gonna be ok?" Malcom asked and i looked at the doctor.

"Well...." he began and i prepared for bad news." There are a few broken bones and minor injuries but they are ok," he spoke and i sighed at the 'gonna be ok part'.

"Mrs. Jackson can i speak with you privately?" The doctor asked she nodded and they walked away out of the room.

"I'm so relieved," tray sat with a sigh.

"Malcom?" We heard then saw a nurse at the door looking at us.

"Yes?" Malcom looked around at her.

"Come with me," she spoke and he looked at us weird snd walked off behind her.

"See, i told you she was gonna be fine honey," mom rubbed my shoulder and smiled and i nodded.

"You just gotta have faith," she smiled and i sat. I understood the thing about faith but what i didn't understand was why was mom being so nice after all yhe bad things she said about ally? It seems really weird.

"What's wrong?" She sat beside me.

"Nothing," i shook my head not looking at her. We'll sort this out soon.

"What did the doctor say?" I heard Casie's mom after seeing Alain walk in.

Alain sighed and sat sadly. She started shaking her head until she started crying and i thought she needed someone to comfort her so i walked over to her and hugged her and she rested her head on my shoulder and cried.

"My baby is not gonna be able to walk again," she cried and i stoid in shock. What!!??

"What?" Tray and everyone surrounded us and i stood staring in space. This can't be real.

"The doctor said ally won't be able to walk again," she cried harder and tears came to my eyes and i held on to her tighter and hushed her.

"Oh my God," Casie's mom started worrying.

"That can't be right," Ryan spoke denying it.

"And that's not even the worst part...none of the girls remember what happened before the accident," she cried and shook her head and i shook my head denying it in my head. Could this get any worst?

"I'm really sorry to here that Alain," mom touched her shoulder with a sympathetic face.

"What do you even care?" Alain asked and mom stopped and pulled her hand away.

"You should be happy that i came here," mom got serious. Not right now guys. Cant they do this after we all leave the hospital or can they not do it at all.

"Here we go," tray threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

"I didn't ask you come," alain eased off me and looked at mom.

"Look, i didn't come here for you, i came here to support brad, his girlfriend met in an accident and it's really serious," mom spoke pointing her finger in the direction of the door.

"Well, I'm sorry for the girl that becomes your daughter-in-law," alain spoke back to mom and i was so annoied with their behaviour.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I got loud and everyone looked at me.

"She started it," mom pointed at alain and alain rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Are you two kids? What is going on? What is this? Is this how we support each other?" I asked and they both looked away.

"Your daughter, my girlfriend, and her bestfriend met in an accident and could have lost their lives but has had the opportunity to live and this is how the two of you behave?" I asked so irritated.

"That's right brad, take control man," tray spoke.

"Tray shut up," i pointed in his direction without even looking over at him.

"The two of you need to get along, this is not what we are here for...we are here for a serious matter and the two of you are acting worst than pre-schoolers...if this is the way you two are gonna behave, take it outside, we don't need all that negativity in it either sit and shut your mouths or you both take your shit outside," i spoke really showing that i was annoied.

There was silence for a while until alain sat and folded her arms and so did mom.

"And that goes for everybody," i looked around at the others who just stood looking," just sit, shut your mouths and wait for the results, ally and casie are alive and that's the best part, and if you can't work with that no one's stopping you from leaving," i ended.

Then i heard someone clapping and i looked where it was coming from, Casie's dad. He clapped while nodding and smiling.

"Sir, do you have something you wanna share?" I asked annoied and his wife tugged on his shirt telling him to sit.

"That...that was- that what you did there was commendable, I've never seen a young adult handle a situation like that in that manner, you my boy, you're something different," he smiled and i felt proud. He understands me.

"Thank you," i answered and he smiled and sat then i sat too.

Casie's P.O.V.
I laid there in the bed just looking at my foot and trying to remember what happened. Then i thought about ally. I wonder how she's doing.

"Hey," there was a knock and i looked at the door and saw Malcom. "You asked for me?" He smiled. It was so sad that he had to see me like this but i really wanted to see his face again.

"Hey...yea, come in," i smiled and he walked over to me while looking at my foot.

"It's worst than it looks," i said and he looked at me then the foot again. It looked swollen to me.

"Casie what happened?" Malcom asked sounding frustrated.

"I dont-i don't remember...the last thing i remember is falling asleep after you dropped me off," i spoke and he gave a weird glance.

"What do you mean you don't remember? Did they drug you?" He asked and i almost laughed although it was a serious matter.

"No," i ended with a smile then got serious,"i just don't remember anything, nothing...I'm trying to figure it out but it causes my head to hurt," i spoke and he sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know what to do," he spoke and i shook my head.

"Malcom you can't do anything....there's nothing you can do," i spoke and slowly reached out for his arm.

"I wish a could....i can't bare to see you like this babe, who ever did this will pay," he looked out in space.

"Malcom how do you know it was someone?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm gonna find out what happened no matter what it takes," he looked at me and i sighed and then he kissed my hand.

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