Chapter Twenty-five

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Ally's P.O.V
I ran straight to the detention room, i was almost out of breath by the time i arrived.

I entered and took a seat. There were about ten people there already.

"Ok, detention starts at 3:00pm and ends at 4:00pm, and the time is now 3:05pm," the teacher walked in, "the rules are no eating, sleeping, talking or drooling Miss. Cameron?" The teacher looked at everyone and stopped at this girl infront me who seemed to be staring at a boy to one corner of the room.

"Sorry," the girl sat up straight and some of the students laughed.

"And no laughing," the teacher spoke amd they shut up.

"Anybody caught breaking the rules will stay and extra thirty minutes," she said and set a clock on the teachers table," and since we started late, you'll be leaving at 4:06pm," she added.

"Ugh," the class mumbled.

"Make that 4:36pm," the teacher spoke and they shut up. I sat back angrily.

We sat there in silence for a good two minutes when the door burst open and in came...Aliyah.

"Sorry I'm-" she began.

"You're never sorry, just take a seat please, and you'll be leaving at 4:21pm," the teacher spoke and i sat forward shocked. Why did she have to leave before us? Was she that special?

"Do you have something to say?" The teacher looked at me and i rolled my eyes and sat back.

"I thought so," she looked away from me and i folded my arms.

Brad's P.O.V
I leaned on my car waiting to see Ally exit through the door but it's been an hour and more now and the whole parking lot was empty leaving me and about six cars.

I took out my phone and started roaming through some pictures.

"Look who it is," i heard a familiar voice and i looked up and saw Aliyah, so i looked back down at my phone.

"So, we don't know each other again?" She asked.

"Look, whatever happened back then stays back then, and you were wrong to do what you did, you almost broke up my friendship," i got angry.

"Almost," she said.

"You freaking kissed me infront of my bestfriend," i spoke and she smiled.

"Can't say you didn't like it," she spoke.

"I was drunk ok," i said and she laughed.

"Yea right," she said and i wanted to hit her so bad.

"What's going on?" I heard Ally's voice then saw her walk up to me and looked at Aliyah.

"Nothing," i said and held on to her hand. She gave me a weird glanced and looked back at Aliyah who was busy smiling away.

"Why is she here?" She asked.

"Don't worry about that she was just leaving," i looked at Aliyah seriously.

"I'll tell you why I'm here," she began smiling at me," i was just reminding Brad of the night we made out, tell her how spectacular it was," she spoke and ally let go of my hand without even looking at me.

"I guess friends don't tell each other everything afterall," Aliyah smiled.

"I see you still have that swollen cheek i gave you, you should seriously get it checked out," ally spoke and Aliyah felt her jaw and i almost laughed.

"Yea, you should," ally spoke again then Aliyah stomped her foot and walked away angrily.

"What was that all about?" Ally turned to me.

"Just some thing that happened some years ago," i spoke and she gave me a weird glance.

"Sure?" She asked and i swallowed hard.

"Yea, I've got you now," i held on to her hands and she came closer to me and she smiled and shook her head.

"Maybe, maybe not," she spoke coming closer to me.

"Is that right?" I asked and she laughed a little as i intertwined our hands.

"I'm just joking you," she brought her face closer to mine.

"I bet you are," i smiled then our lips met and she kissed me.

"I thought you were the shy type," i broke the kiss and she smiled.

"I've overcome that," she smiled and i started kissing her, starting with a peck and she giggled.

"Isn't he dating Sasha Peart?" I heard a voice and we stopped and looked where the voice came from.

"That's the Jackson girl," we heard again and saw a group of students walking by and when they saw us looking they all looked away.

"I can't take it," ally said sounding fustrated and let go of me and started walking off.

"Ally wait," i called to her but she just continued walking.

"Ally, babe wait," i called to her and started after her.

"Wait? I can't even have a moment with you without someone interrupting, first it's stay away from you, then it's Aliyah and now it's Sasha? I can't do this," she stopped and i caught up with her then she started off again.

"It can work ally, you don't have to listen to them ok," i caught up with her as we approached her super hot car.

"Can it?" She turned to me.

"Yes, i want it to work," i took her hand in mine," i really do, 'cause i really like you," i spoke and she sighed.

"And i know you've been through alot, and i know you've been hurt many times before and i wouldn't want to hurt you," i spoke and she gave me a weird looked for about five seconds then she looked away.

"I have to go, it's late," she said and drew her hand out of the grasp of mine and started unlocking the car.

"Here take my number, call me tonight," i took out a thin piece of paper i wrote my name and number on specially for her. Yes, i was some what obsessed with her.

She took it and put in her pocket then opened the door.

"So we'll talk things over tonight?" I asked as she entered and closed the door.

"We'll see what happens," she answered and started the car.

"Ok later," i smiled and she looked at me and smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Bye," she said.

"Super hot car by the way," i said and she looked at me.

"Thanks," she answered then drive off and i watched her drive out. She was a good driver. After she left i walked to my car and head out too.

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