Chapter Twenty-three

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It's now lunch and i had already walked to my locker. I was locking away some stuffs.

"Lesbo," i heard someone walked pass.

"Don't say that, I'm telling you, you don't wanna mess with her," i heard another and i smiled and shook my head. So this is what it took to get a little respect around here. A fight.

I locked my locker and walked to the lunchroom. I walked in and looked around, not even twenty minutes passed since lunch and the cafeteria was already packed and noisey.

I got a cheese sandwich, slice of pizza, a fruit drink and a Snickers. I walked to a empty table and sat. I haven't seen the others all morning, well since the fight. I think they think I'm angry at them.

I dug into my cheese sandwich.

"Can i sit?" I heard a voice and saw a young looking girl standing next to me.

"Ahh, yea sure," i answered and she smiled and sat after putting her tray on the table.

"I'm Kameel by the way, Kameel Jones," she spoke and i smiled.

"Ally Jac-" i began.

"I know who you are, thee famous Alain Jackson's daughter, Ally Jackson," she smiled and that was weird.

"How do you know-?" I began to ask.

"My mom works for her,"she spoke and i nodded in understanding," i just got a transfer here anyway," she spoke again.

"Oh, rough day for the new kid?" I asked as she started eating her burger.

"Not really, but i haven't made any friends," she spoke chewing and i smiled.

"You look quite ok without a friend," i spoke then took a fourth bite into my sandwich.

"Yea, i get myself around," she spoke proudly with a smile and i smiled.

"You sure do," i said and we started eating again.

"You're the only one who's been nice to me since today," she broke the short silence.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"These kids are like animals," she looked around and i almost laughed.

"I'm glad you found that out on your own," i said and she smiled.

"Hey, you, friends?" She asked shyly.

"Yea, ofcourse," i smiled and she sighed in relief.

"Thank God, at first i thought you were gonna like, chase me away," she apoke and i shook my head while chewing.

"Nope, I've been through the same thing as you, i know what it feels like," i said and she smiled and went back to her food.

"Do you have any other friends?" She broke the silence again.

"Yea, they're just not here right now," i said and she looked at me weird.

"...ok," she said," so where are they?" She asked again.

"I don't-" i began.

"We're here," i heard Malcom's voice then i looked around and saw him, Casie, Ryan, Tray and Brad walking around to sit.

"Yep," i said and looked at Kameel and she smiled.

"Hey," they all called to us.

"Where were you guys?" I asked as they all dug into there meals.

"Class," Malcom answered.

"Hey," i heard a soft voice in my ear and i hand touch my side then i noticed that Brad was sitting beside me.

"Hey," i said trying not to make it seem as awkward as it was.

"I'm so hungry," Casie said then took a bite of her pizza.

"So guys, this is Kameel, she's new," i said and they all looked up at me then kameel and she smiled.

"Kameel? Cool name," malcom smiled with her.

"Hey," tray called to her.

"Hey girl," casie spoke with a full mouth and kameel almost laughed.

"Hey, I'm Brad," brad gave an introduction.

"...nice hair," Ryan spat out and everybody looked at him.

"Ryan are you ok?" Malcom asked and he just got up and walked away.

"....ahh ok," we all looked at each other. That was weird.

"Well, nice to meet you guys," kameel broke the weirdness and we laughed. It was so weird.

We continued eating and talking, getting to know kameel and telling her about ourselves. It was really intetesting and fun. We had a great lunch.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for class. We all walked out of the lunchroom to the hallway.

"Ok, later guys," Malcom,Casie, Tray and Kameel turned down another hall leaving Brad and i..alone.

"We haven't had a good talk after yesterday," he spoke but i didn't look at him.

"Come on Ally, i don't want that to break up our friendship,"he spoke again," i fact we just became friends," he added.

"How can it be the same after we have admitted our feelings for each other, how?" I turned to him," in fact we almost kissed," i added.

He looked away from me and sighed and i stood there looking at him.

"I'm sorry," he broke the silence.

"You're always sorry, even for things you didn't do," i spoke and he looked at me weird and i shook my head and started walking off.

"Wait," he held on to my hand and pulled me up to him and our lips met as our chest hit each other. His hand were now on my waist and my hands on the sides of his shoulders. It felt good, but also wrong so i pulled away.

"It's wrong, i just want to be friends ok," i spoke and touched my lips and he looked at me confused.

"You're starting to confuse me," he spoke and i sighed," first you led me on, then you wanted to be friends then you say I'm always sorry for things i didn't do and now that i kissed you you wanna be friends, do you hear how complicated that's gonna be?" He asked and i thought about it.

"I...I...," i started but was lost for words.

"You don't know what you want," he spoke and then he walked off.

I seriously wasn't gonna make this happen. I wanted to be friends but somewhere inside wanted more and i feel like i can't control that inner person anymore.

I ran up to Brad and pulled his face to mine and our lips connected and his hands lightly found themselves on my waist again.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked breaking the kiss.

"Yes, yes...I'm sure..i want you," i spoke out of breath and we both smiled then he started kissing me again.

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