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EDIT 2020: BTW there are some mistakes in the book Bc I wrote it in 2017 and this was my first one. FOR EXAMPLE, I've mistaken Kuroo's first name for his last name at some point. Also there might be some cringe parts bc- yes I could be cringe 💀✌️ anyways, I don't need any hate thank you (:

EDIT January 14 2021 ver. I'm going to edit the story mfs 💀 ok here we go. Deep breath 💀💀💀 you'll be able to tell by the chapter names which ones have been edited btw!

 Deep breath 💀💀💀 you'll be able to tell by the chapter names which ones have been edited btw!

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so cute wtf 😔

~ 🏐~

"Ah... thank you..."

"You're welcome."

The raven-haired male offered you a smile after retrieving your fallen paper and handing it to you. You had chosen to wait until class was over to grab it, not wanting to interrupt the teacher.

The boy nods and settles back into his chair before continuing to take notes. Besides his obvious kindness, you've always noticed how pretty his handwriting was. Even when rushing, his writing was consistent and clean. Despite his goofy personality, his knowledge on chemistry had proved to be great throughout your shared class.

With ease, he'd thoroughly explain and answer questions only a few other students seemed to understand within the room. You've even overheard the professor attempting to get him into the school's offered science clubs. Of course, he'd reject saying how he was committed to volleyball already.

It had been a few months since you first became fond the guy— well, since he was the only student actually aware of your presence. You typically kept to yourself, but even with that did he greet you or ask you questions regarding the class. He seemed to know more than you did- yet he came to you for answers...? Despite you both not talking a whole lot, you usually end up bumping into him randomly too.

'What was his name again...?' You ask yourself, debating on whether or not you should ask or keep quiet. You were confident you would've remembered it if he told you! Maybe he forgot to introduce himself??

Or maybe you were too busy doodling on your notes to catch whenever he was called on...guilty.

Ultimately, you decided it would be best to continue keeping your distance. However, only a few minutes after this decision was a small, badly folded piece of notebook paper placed at the corner of your desk.

You quickly glance up only to see the male was still just facing the front of the room. 'He must've been the one to put it here...' You assume yet look around slowly. 'Who else would've done it?'

You turn your attention back down to the paper he passed back, grabbing and hesitantly opening it up.

The paper wrote:

'This might be kinda late but...it seems like we're always bumping into each other. You leave class pretty quickly, so I never really get to properly address you but maybe we can talk more! (;

P.s. My name is Kuroo Tetsuro. What's your name??'

A blush slowly crept up to your cheeks and reddened your whole face. You were stunned! Not only did he actually take the time to write this, TO YOU, but he asked for your name.

It was a relief he didn't know your name either, right?

You shakily grab your pencil and begin thinking of how you should word your response. It took a few minutes for you to gather enough courage to hand it back, gently tapping him on the shoulder when ready. Kuroo turns around confused, smiling after realizing you were holding the now properly re-folded paper in your hands.

You could only stare down at your desk as he accepted it paper and turned back around.

Only a few minutes had passed, and you were still extremely anxious over the strange scenario. He still hadn't given you the paper back, causing you to wonder if he actually would. Maybe it was a trick or something, maybe-

"Ding ding!" The bell suddenly rang, forcing you out of your worrisome thoughts. You watch as students begin exiting the classroom while others stay and pull out their packed lunches. Maybe you'd try to stay a little longer to give him a chance to talk...?

You then notice Kuroo being dragged away by the hand of another girl... You recognized her as another student in your gym class. Also, one of the most attractive girls at school... well, that's what you heard her state anyway.

It wasn't very unexpected he'd forget about writing you back- but that didn't mean you didn't feel bad about it. However, maybe it's for the best. You've never been great with friendships and socializing in general, so this could be something preventing anything worse from happening.


Finally the end of the school day rolls around and you were thrilled to get home. Your grandma had told you she would be making your favorite dinner tonight and that you could help (despite how clumsy you were in the kitchen).

You hurry to your shoe cupboard and remove your inside shoes to place on the other pair. Though...you felt something poking at your toes after slipping one on.

You take the shoe off and reach into it, pulling out a small paper? It was the one Kuroo and you were writing on during class!

It wrote:

'Wanna come eat lunch with me tomorrow? You can meet my friends too!

Hopefully I see you there!!!!! I think your name is very nice, it suits you \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/'

Your heart felt differently after you read it...

What happened?

~ 🏐~

I had to edit so much- there's still a lot I'd like to change about it though 😭 but I'm glad it looks a little better.

BTW some clarification about the shoes:

Most public Japanese high schools have shoe cupboards at the front main entrance of the school in order to separate the outside space from the indoor space

I just edited this again and...I'm wondering how tf I'll change that one karaoke scene 💀

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