Folded paper

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"You'll know who?" You say to yourself as you unwrap the bow around the box.

When you finally opened the box, you saw a familiar paper in it. Your eyes widened as you opened the folded paper and read the things that you and him wrote on it the week before.

Kuroo never gave you the paper back, you remembered.

Flash back:

Suddenly, i feel a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around. It was Kuroo.

"Hey, (L/n)-san. How are you doing?" He asks me.

"O-ok, thanks for asking..."

"Do you play volleyball? I'm really excited to play todayyyy." He says happily. I remember someone talking about a volleyball playing Kuroo, but it didn't come to my mind until now.

"No..i dont play. Sorry." I told him. "Do you?"

"Yep, i'm actually the captain on the boys' team." He points to himself and laughs. "Oh, i also have the pape-" The coaches interrupted him."


You could tell that Kuroo gave you this for a reason, so you looked to the bottom of the paper, hoping that he'd have written something on the bottom.

You saw the note that he wrote the time he couldn't give it to you:

"Hope you can eat with us at some point!"

Then you looked at the most recent one that he probably wrote yesterday or the day before.


"You really worried us today. Hiroko was really upset about what happened. Ayano tried to hide her feelings a little more. It took a while for Ayano and I to calm Hiroko down. She was literally screaming.. (˘̩╭╮˘̩)

I hope you feel better soon and just know that you can talk to us!


(Y/n)-chan! Please don't leave us! We love hanging out with you too much!


Make sure you come back to us soon! Explain what happened. We want you to hang out with us more. I hope we can come to an understanding.


We all really miss you! Even Kenma, Yaku and the rest of the volleyball team wanted to talk to you again. We're friends right?? I especially miss you too! I thought that I was the one who made you feel upset ( ) I wouldn't forgive myself for making my new friend upset.

Come talk to us soon or we will come to you!




"T-they...aren't mad.....they're w-worried...?" The tears that welled up in your eyes started to fall as you held the paper close you you.

You didn't notice that people were already in the classroom. Kuroo, Ayano, and Hiroko weren't there though.

"(L/n)-san...? Are you ok?" There was a girl with another friend standing in front of you with a worried look on her face.

"We can take you to the nurse?" One boy said.

You shake your head and blush that they saw you crying. "N-no, I'll be fine. Excuse me..." You walk to quickly get up and leave the classroom with the box and note in your hands. You rush to the bathroom.

You didn't notice Hiroko looking at you or three girls following you with smirks on their face.

"Oh boyfriend stealer~ You won't get away with the things you did...."


Oyaoyaoya 🌚🌚🌚

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