Not going to that festival

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"(Y/n)-chan, I told coach that you can't be in to take notes today, unless you want to?" Ayano says from the other side of your room door.

"Do you want to come with us? We're leaving right now?" Hiroko says, worried. "You have to get breakfast but then you can leave if you don't feel well?"

You open up the door of your room, ready to leave. Hiroko and Ayano looked at your sleepy and annoyed look. "W-well, let's go then. You're brother is also in the breakfast room."



"Hana-ch-WHOA! What happened??" Your brother rushes over to you and looks at Hiroko and Ayano for answers.

"It's... a long story. We will explain later." Ayano sweat drops while Hiroko looks for any sign of Kuroo to stay away from him.

Your brother hugs you tightly. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Onii-chan will protect yo- what where did she go?" You ignored them and walked to get food. All you wanted to do was get your breakfast and leave. You couldn't risk running into Kuroo again after what happened.

"Oh (Y/n)-chan!" You turn around to see Hinata looking worried. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little tired. I guess I shouldn't of stayed up night playing those games. Kenma got me into it." You lie, scratching your head and let out a small laugh. You just couldn't ignore Hinata. You'd feel too bad, and the way he'd look would make you feel too guilty.

"But... you don't look ok. I know what happened last night effected you. I was there too, remember?" He laughs a little bit, upset that you lied to him, but he seemed to brush it off. "After we get our food, we can sit together and I'll make sure to cheer you up. Ok?" He smiles and grabs what he wants for breakfast.

"I'm glad I could count on you." You smile at him and get for your food. After waiting for Hinata to get his food, you both start to walk to a table until you bump into someone.

You look up to see Kuroo. He looked like he was in the same situation you were in, tired, annoyed, and having bags under the eyes. You quickly glare at him and push past him with Hinata right next to you.


"Ah, (Y/n)-san, are you ok?" Sugawara walks past you and Hinata and puts his hand on your forehead. "Well you don't have a fever, but maybe you should rest today. You look very tired." The gray haired mom makes sure your ok.

"Thank you for worrying, mom." You laugh a little while he pouts. Hinata laughs while you two walk away.

"Kageyamaaa! Scoot over a little bit! (Y/n)-chan needs to sit in between us so we can make sure no one hurts her anymore." Hinata whines as Kageyama sighs and scoots over.

"U-um.. (Y/n)-San.. y-you can... leanonmeifyouaretootired..." Kageyama stutters.

"Thank you Kageyama-kun. I will if I absolutely need to. But make sure you both wake me up so I can go back to my room." You smile and Kageyama blushes and nods.

"Kageyama! Don't take (Y/n)-chan away from me!" Hinata says, stuffing food into his mouth. It now seemed like it turned into a who-can-finish-first game when Kageyama starts stuffing his face too.

"I'm not doing anything, bastard!" He yells.

Seeing both of them fighting like that made you laugh loudly.  "You guys are so... stupid!" You laugh and try to copy their eating. "I'll beat both of you in a eating game!"

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