Chapter Twenty Three

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Kai's POV

Kai hurried through the crowd of people, careful to stay discreet. There was one lady, who bumped into him, wearing a black cloak. She mumbled  a slight applogy, then went on her way. He figured she was just busy, and dint have time for small talk. Funny thing though, she sounded alot like Selene.
Selene's POV

Selene hurried through the crowd of people, eager to see Kai. She knew she was supposed to be mad at him, but she couldn't help it. She missed everything, from his easy going manner, to the way he looked at her like he loves her, or loved her, depending on who u ou talked to . Some will tell you the world is doomed, because Selene would no longer be Empress. However, those people are the people who decided to tell people the world was ending during the revolution. Which, in their defense, wasn't far from the truth.

Selene got to the Palace steps, to be greeted by Konn Torin. He was silently pacing, and perked up when Selene approached. "Konn Torin, where is Kai?" Selene questioned, pulling the hood from her head.

"Oh, you didn't catch him? He was on his way, to make amends with you."

"That's what I came here to do. I wanted to say sorry, for storming off like that. I'm gonna go look for him.
He's got to know I'm sorry," Selene said pulling the hood over her head once again. At the end of the drive, she joined the flow of the crowd, to find her true love.

Kai's POV

Kai looked left and right, trying to find Winter and Jacin's apartment, where Selene was staying. But, just his luck, today was Friday, pay day for the workforce, which ment today everyone did there shopping for the week, so the streets were crowded. Not that he minded the crowding, bit it made it ten times harder to find her.

Fjnally, after hours of searching, he found the place he was looking for. And, it seemed this place was imitating the streets outside. The place was packed with little Children,  adults, cats and dogs. And just to Kai's  luck, he was alergic to those animals. So, as soon as he pushed through the doors he started sneezing uncontrollably. People turned to him, and then, at that moment,  he had the largest sneeze of all, which, of course, knocked the hood off of his head.

When this happened, everyone turned their attention to him and bowed. As the tension in the room grew, between the Emperor and his subjects, the door opened, and a young adult walked in.

"Winter, Konn To-. Kai! You came back! Oh I am so sor-" Selene jumped up into Kai's arms, and hugged him. He put a finger to her lips to stop her apology. He knew he was at fault, and he had to make it right. Somehow, someway, it was him who made her upset, and he was determined to tell her how she much she truly meant.

After getting sent to the palace escorted by guards, Kai and Selene were determined to find who was setting this up, so, they went down to the prisons.

As the couple went hand in hand, down to the prisons. A wave of nostalgia rolled over Selene, as she visited her old cell. As she passed, she noticed it didn't change since she left. No one must have had time to, Selene thought to herself, as they made their way down to where the murders go.

As they approached this man, Kai's grip on Selene's hand got tighter and tighter. He was not going to let her go, even if it meant his life on the line. It nearly was when her father confronted him anyway, so, he was used to confrontations with possible death.

When Kai and Selene reached the cell where the would be assailant was kept, they let go of each other's hand. Selene stepped forward, and crossed her arms across her chest. She stared at him for a moment, and then turned around. She whispered something to the guard, he let her in.

When Selene sat down, Kai was escorted out of the room. The guard gave Selene an unsure look, before finally closing the door. Everyone was asked to leave so that Selene and the man were able to discuss things in private.

(I'm keeping the conversation private, due to prisoner's request. Or, to satisfy my need of making you guys suffer of cliffhangeritis)

When Selene emerged from the room, satisfied with the answers she received, she pursued to contact the girls through a group comm session.

Start of Comm Link

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito hey guys.

ScarletBenoitKesley guess what!

CressSoontobeThorne what?

ScarletBenoitKesley IT'S A GIRL👶

CressSoontobeThorne and mine's a boy👦

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito congrats guys. Awesome news. How are the guys taking the news.

CressSoontobeThorne he's taking it good I guess. Believe it or not, he wanted a girl.

ScarletBenoitKesley same, but Wolf wanted a boy.

PeonyLihnBlackburn well, at least your having kids.

CressSoontobeThorne yeah, Peony's right.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito *says under her breath* For once.

PeonyLihnBlackburn *looks offended, then storms off*

WinterHayleBlackburn *dies in a fit of laughter with Selene and Scarlet*

CressSoontobeThorne *the only one to go and comfort Peony*

One Hour Later

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito so guys, how's it going.

WinterHayleBlackburn *cough cough* its going.

ScarletBenoitKesley so how's Kai. Are you guys still together?

WinterHayleBlackburn of course not dummy! He CHEATED!!

ScarletBenoitKesley oh, right. He he, forgot.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito actually, he's sitting next to me right now.

ScarletBenoitKesley WHAT!?!

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito you heard me.

WinterHayleBlackburn how. You were barely far from killing him. Now you're all fallen in love again.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito no, it's not like that.

ScarletBenoitKesley that's what it looks like. Selene, you are a very smart person. If you'd have any sense, you'd see that you can't have him cheat one day, than crawl back to him the next.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito Scarlet. We both missed each other very much. We can't leave each other for long. We love each other, and that's that!

End of Comm Link

"Kai, we have to talk," Selene said, turning to Kai.

"Why? I thought we were doing great," Kai said, turning his attention to Selene, and turning the netscreen off.

"Because, I think that your still blaming yourself for what happened."

"What? Why on Luna would you think that?"

"Because, you have been, sorta distant, this past day."


"Well, Kai, I don't think you've forgiven yourself for what happened," Selene said with a sigh.

I Love You to the Moon and Back (A Kaider Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now