Nunca Te Alejes De Mi (Don't You Ever Back Away From Me)

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Adrian's POV:

The chief had guided us out of the cell hallway. We met up with Adam's family who came up to us and gave us a hug. Adam hugged his family tightly and I smiled.

"Mr Lambert, you have to be checked." Said the chief.

"Checked?" Asked Mrs Lambert as she looked at me and her son. "What happened?"

"Drake hit him in his stomach." I said and Adam nodded.

"Oh honey. . ." Said his Mom as she hugged Addy. They pulled back and I took a hold of Adam. He smiled as he pressed himself to my chest. We entered a room and it looked like a big hospital room. The door opened and a woman dressed in white came up to us.

"Good afternoon." She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Good afternoon." Adam and I said at the same time. I chuckled and kissed his temple.

"So what will I check?" She asked.

"Well my boyfriend is pregnant." I said and she gasped.

"Oh my God, really?" She asked.

"Mhm." Hummed Adam. "I am."

"Congratulations you guys." She said.

"Thanks." I replied. "Anyway, yeah when we went to see a prisoner, he attacked him and hit my boyfriend in his stomach." Again, she gasped.

"Well let's hurry up to check your baby." She said and came up to us. "Lay down." Adam lie down on the small bed thingy and I took his hand in mine. "Raise your shirt up."

"Um, Adri?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I answered as I rubbed his knuckles.

"I can't raise my shirt because of the blazer." He said. "Can you please help me open my blazer and my long sleeve shirt?"

"Sure no problem." I said as I stood up and took his blazer off. Slowly I unbuttoned his long sleeve shirt and it revealed his swollen belly. I rubbed it and I heard Adam giggled. I giggled and sat back down. The woman put a cream thing on Adam's stomach and with the wand thing, she started moving it on Adam's belly. Again, I took a hold of his hand and he smiled over at me. "You want to know something?"

"Yeah." He said.

"You're so so beautiful when you smile." I said as I stroked his hair. "Your eyes shine bright blue. . .your face lits up. . .you're lovely like that." He blushed.

"Aww thank you baby." He said, a small giggle escaping his lips. I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"Well the baby seems perfectly fine." She said the woman. "She isn't harmed, and the hit impact made no harm." Adam let out a sigh and I smiled.

"She's strong like you Addy." I said.

"Like me?" Asked Adam. "I'm not strong."

"Yeah you are." I said. "You made it through the things Drake did to you." He smiled.

"True." He said.

"Your due date seems to be very soon." Said the lady.

"Like when?" I asked.

"Like a month or less." She replied.


Once out of the station, I wanted to go home. The Lamberts went home and I looked over at Adam who was looking over at the city, a smile on his face. I thought for a second: how long had Adam never seen his world? I walked over to him and gently wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him flinch a little and I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Hi baby."

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