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Hello, my lovely Reader-chans!

Bad news guys! Dun dun dun!!! 😱😱😱











I will be schooling again starting next week!

I know, right?! It's so crazy!

I thought that is was going to be somewhere in June but, whoah! Life just slammed a big surprise into my face right there. Thank goodness, I checked and confirmed the university offer today because the registration is on Sunday! I was surprised! Well, more to shocked really. According to the general schedule, it's suppose to be somewhere in June but turns out it's a whole lot earlier than expected.

So, I'm going to be super busy starting tomorrow because I need to take care of some documents, fills in forms, buy some stuff I'm going to need to survive there and lots more mayhem coming right up! There's going to be an orientation starting next Monday so, I won't be able to update. Probably because I would be too tired and all.

Plus, I want to spend more time with my family while I can. 😊

I hope you guys understand! I'm so sorry that this is all so sudden.

I'll try to update every weekend once I settle down with my new environment later, okay~~

If I still have some energy left, I would still be on here.. Reading and commenting. Probably spamming every writer of the books I like and trying to survive the outside world! Wish me luck! *salute*

Btw, if any of you guys have Instagram... I actually exist there LOL 😂😂

If you're interested in knowing how this weird writer is doing with her life, here's my IG:


Make sure to mention that you're from Wattpad, okay! Or I might freak out LOL.. 😂😂 Do consider following me if you're interested. I wanna get to know you guys too~

Anyway, hope for my survival, Reader-chans! I LOVE YOU ALL ❤❤


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