Chapter 3

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6 months later

8 months pregnant is a lot to handle, I'm hungrier than ever and my belly is getting bigger. I'm only small so it's not massive but I can't even see my toes.

The sun rays shine thought my curtains and straight on my eyes. I groan and turn over checking my phone for the time. 6:58. Yes, two extra minutes of sleep.

I'm still going to school because it was my decision and I have been focused on school for ages and I don't want to just throw it away. But a couple more weeks and I'm not allowed to attend school because my principal thinks I shouldn't go because of my belly and something about keeping the baby healthy.

When my alarm starts to ring through my bedroom, I groan and manage to drag myself out of bed and over to the bathroom. I take a shower and dry myself and put some pants on and a loose top so the belly isn't as obvious. I put my hair into a messy bun and apply only mascara and eyeliner, usually I do a full face but I'm just too stressed and tired to even care what I look like.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I smell a sweet smell that smells a lot like pancakes.

"Wow mum, whats the occasion" I say while taking a bite out of a pancake that she has put on a plate for me.

"Nothing, I just woke up and was in a really good mood and felt like making pancakes" She replies

"Oh mum, only you" I say, I hear a honk outside, "that's my queue, see you this afternoon. Love you!" I say and walk out the door

"I love you too Sweetie!" she says as I close the front door.

I walk outside and see a BMW combi parked in the driveway. I smile at the sight of my best friend and her always-breaking-down van.

"Hey there" I say as I sit in the passenger seat.

"Hey friend" she says with a big grin.

We've been best friends since kindergarten, we do almost everything together including laughing all the time.

Gracie starts the van but it just turns off, she tries again and again till it finally starts driving.

"Why don't you get a new car, this one is almost done for" I say to her

"Excuse me, I love my car. I will never trade her in for anything" she says and we laugh. She drives out of my driveway and starts towards school.

"So hows little miss" She said, meaning the baby girl sitting in my stomach

"Shes amazing, I can't wait to see what she looks like" I say

"That's great, so what name you going to give her?" Gracie says,

"Hmmm, I don't know actually" I reply, "you got any ideas?" I ask

"Actually yes! I though of Faith, Krystal, Ruby, Sienna, Scarlett and more that I can't remember for her first name." she said,

"I love them!" I said "I'll need to think about it more though. Something Louise Back" I say,

"Sounds great" she says "What about Malik? Not that I want it to be Malik but have you told him?" She looks at me with a serious face.

"No, and I never will. I don't want someone like him to be involved in my baby's life."

"Ok, that's fine but maybe you won't be able to keep something as big as this a secret." Gracie says,

"Maybe your right" I reply

"Hey baby girl" I said while pointing to my belly "Hows it going in there?"

When we finally arrive at school, we hop out of Gracie's van earning a few snickers from a bunch of girls walking past but we don't care so we just walk into school. We both have the same class first so we walk together when the bell rings.


Gracie and I are sitting together in the cafeteria eating our lunch when we get interrupted by Zayn and his gang.

"Hey preggo, decided to finally go die in a hole yet?" Zayn begins

"Could you just leave me alone" I roll my eyes and turn away from him.

"What is your problem! Your acting like such a child" Gracie yells,

"I'm not the one with the problem, Gracie" He says and leaves with his friends. Gracie looks at me,

"Are you alright?" She asks me,

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just annoying, you know?" I say and she nods. Nothing I can't handle.

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