Chapter 66

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Zayn hands me his phone and I go through his call log. Nobody has called him all day and he hasn't called anyone.

"You lied to me" I say, he just stands up and walks away. He looks away from me and I stand up with Scarlet in my arms, I walk over to the pram and carefully put the sleeping baby in there. I walk over to Zayn and stand in front of him.

"Zayn" I say, he turns around and looks away from me. "Zayn, whats the matter?" I ask

"Nothing" He says but his voice cracks

"Zayn... are you crying?" I ask

"No" He says.

"Zayn.." I plead, he looks at me and his eyes are filled with tears. I have a frown on my face and I pull him into a hug. "Whats wrong?" I ask "You can tell me anything."

"Okay." He sighs "M-M-My M-Mum I-Isn't f-feeling we-ell and I'm leaving tomorrow" He hiccups

He looks away again.

"Zayn.. I" I begin "Whatever is wrong with her, I promise she'll be perfectly fine." I say

"Thats the thing. She wont be fine!" He says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"She has Cancer and is most likely to die in three weeks." He says and bursts out crying again.

I stand there. I would never be able to handle loosing somebody I love in just three weeks. That would be horrible and I wouldn't be able to live myself.

"It happened so fast" He finally says "She was perfectly fine and now she has cancer. Like what the fuck! Life always plays games with me, So much that its not funny." He says "I'm just a big fuck-up."

"Zayn..." I cup his face with my hands. "This is not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong-"

"But I bullied you!" He pulls my hands away "I made you cry, I made you cut, I made your life miserable"


"No! Melanie! I have no idea how you could of forgiven me. I did so much and all you did was forgive me. I still don't understand!" He yells

"Zayn just leave it. We have argued about this before" I say calmly

"No!" He yells really loud. "I'm going to Kansas tomorrow, and your coming. What if things don't turn out as planned. Huh?" He says

I look down at the beautiful ring on my finger. I start to twist and play with it. Zayn sighs and grabs my hands.

"What if you are alone.. with nobody." He calmly says

"Gracie'll be there. and we can make this work." I say

"But what if it doesn't" He says and I pull my hands out of his.

"Your so negative! Its like you want us to not work out." I say

"No, its just that I care about you to much for you to get hurt. I don't wanna take any risks"

"I'll be fine. I'm not a baby. And what are you saying? That after all this you want me to stay?" I say

"No..Yes, I mean No. Agh I don't know" He says

"I don't care what you say... I'm going." I say and walk away from him and towards Scarlett's pram.

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