Chapter 20

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MEL'S FATHER'S [Richard]

As soon as I saw my little daughters belly, I got freaked out. I didn't wanna yell at her for going that far. She was about to say she has a really good explanation, but what was that? You accidentally had sex!?

I accidentally kinda showed her I was happy for her. I mean I was happy but furious at the same time..

I decided that when everybody is out of sight I would have a little chat with Cathy, about Mel's belly.

We all walked back to the lounge room and sat down in complete and utter silence.


Mel's father took that really well -Mel's pregnancy. That was the first time she ever met him and she just stood there, doing nothing. Seriously.

If I had just found my father after 16 years, I would be hugging him and just asking him questions and all that stuff but I guess girls take things a different way.

I decided to break the silence.

"So, Melanie's Dad, whats your name?" I asked

"Call me Mr. Back... but my name is Richard" He said calmly

"Cool, so Ri- Mr.Back... what have you been up to" I say.. seriously! 'what have you been up too' Stupid Stupid Louis.

"Oh, nothing, just robbing banks, committing crimes. Not Much" He said...Not Much! Not Much! what the hell! "I'm joking." He said

"Cool" I said, some humour. I roll my eyes in my head.


They are all sitting in the lounge room and I'm here. In the kitchen hiding from that monster that left me for 16 years when Mel was born. He doesn't know how hard it is to raise a child all by yourself up to the age of sixteen.


I was in Labour and I told the nurses I wasn't gonna give birth until he had came... We had been waiting for this day for so long.

The nurses couldn't wait any longer so I had to give birth. After that day, he wouldn't answer any calls or reply to any messages.

He just left us here, without a man in the house. I was literally struggling because it wasn't easy at all. I woke up every day to change her diaper and make a bottle, I was completely alone. It was only me and Mel.


I don't know how he can just come here, out of nowhere, I'm not gonna forgive him for anything, even if his excuse is the best in the world...I'm not forgiving him. I'd rather die!

I walked into the lounge room where everyone was sitting down in complete silence, Richard stood up and started staring at me... He stood there for like 5 minutes then I looked away and walked into the bathroom.


Mum walked in and Da- Richard stood up and started staring at her, she suddenly walled away in the direction of the bathroom.

I was now 7 months pregnant... 2 more months and this baby is gonna be out. Yay! I'll be free.

Everybody started staring at me and I looked confused then I started clutching my stomach..

"Um...Mel, I don't mean to alarm you or anything but... Look down" Gracie said,

I looked down only to find me standing in a puddle...of water.

Oh Mother Of God!

My water broke!

"Oh God!" I yelled. I suddenly felt the little baby inside my stomach wanting to come out.. I started to scream "Muuuuuum! ahhhhhh!"

My Mum ran into the room and everyone was surrounding me staring at me.

"Don't just stand there! Do something!" I yelled

The boys all started looking around confused... Gracie grabbed my hand while Mum grabbed the phone and called the ambulance, Richard was standing in the doorway with his eyeballs about to pop out.


Before I knew it I was at the hospital on a bed rushing to a room. I started screaming more and more...

This Baby Is Coming Now!

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