Chapter 22

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I have to tell Mel,

"Mel?" I called

"Yeah" She said

"I need to tell you something" I yelled out to her.

"Okay, i'm coming" She yelled, she was fixing Scarlett's diaper.


When we were both sitting down I took a deep breathe and just came out and said it.

"Im Pregnant" I said

She just stared at me for a while and made a face.

"That's awesome! Now Scarlett can have a friend, wait. Does Harry know?" She asked

"No, I'm scared if he doesn't want a baby" I say

"Okay, are you sure your pregnant? She says

"I'm late and I took three pregnancy tests, two positives and one negative." I say

"Okay" She say "Just tell him and we will have to see what he says" She said

I agreed with her and walked into the room with all the boys.

Oh and by the way, three weeks after Mel had the baby her and Zayn bought their own apartment and they live together part time.

So as I was saying, I walked to the room were all the boys were talking and laughing, I put on a smile and walked into the room.

"Harry, I need to tell you something" I say breathing in out in out.

"Okayyy, what is it" He says

"Don't get mad" I say

"Why would I get mad at you?" He says, he's just too cute.

He just stood there waiting for me too speak,
"Ah, um. Actually you know what, I just forgot.. whoops. I'll tell you later"

I left it at that and we all walked back into the lounge to the boys, but Mel wasn't there.

"Did you tell him!?" She yelled and came in.

"Could you be any more louder?" I asked sarcastically.

"Actually Yes-" she said but was cut off by everyone saying


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