Chapter 11

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I was sleeping in bed when I heard a loud noise... Then I thought about Mum.

I heard another loud bang! Now I was really scared then suddenly the door to my bedroom flew open and I guessed that Mum was sleeping.

I hid under the covers when the person got closer and closer. I was about to scream but then he put his hand over my mouth and I bit his hand.

"Ow" He said it sounded like... "Mel it's me, Zayn"

"Well...could you have come in any louder and scarier." I said

"Sorry" he said "I wasn't that loud. So hows Faith"

"She's great" I said "why did you come here in the middle of the night"

"Because ... I was just bored so I decided to see Mumma Bear and Faith baby" He said

"Really?" I asked

"No! I wanted to see you" he said

"Look, Zayn, Um.. You still can't rub away the 10 years just like that"

"I know, I Just...I'm sorry" He said

"It's to late for sorry, Zayn" I said "You have bullied me for years and years and I just can't wipe that memory away. It's too hard"


"It's to late for sorry, Zayn" She said "you have bullied me for years and years and I just can't wipe that memory away. It's too hard."

I thought about what she said and I feel so bad and I agree with her at the same time but I keep wanting to tell her forget about it, to just forget it. But I understand how hard it is to just wipe a memory you've had for 10 years.

"I don't know how to tell you how sorry I am" I said "I shouldn't have slept with you forcefully.. I shouldn't have bullied you for 10 years, I just wish I could rewind all those years and re-do them."

"Zayn, I... Just tell me one thing, why did you bully me in the first place?"

"Well remember 10 years ago... in Kindergarten. I asked you out. Well I guess when you said no I couldn't get over it because I liked you so much." I said

" bullied me because you liked me and I said no to you asking me out?" She said

"Yes" I said "I have never felt sorry in my life.. I mean I'm one of those cool, bad boys that never feel sorry for anything but I feel like I can tell you anything. I don't know why though"

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