A Million Years Ago

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"I think we should break up," Lucas and I both say at the same time.

"What? Really? Why for you?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I feel that we need to know what it's like to be with other people. I love you Maya and I always will." Lucas said grabbing my hands.

"I know what you mean, I mean we've been together for over a year and we've had feelings for each other for 2 years now. I hope we can still be friends." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Why're you crying? I thought this was what you wanted as well," Lucas says confused.

"It is, but it's still hard for me. I mean I'm breaking up with my first love" I smile sadly.

"I'm always gonna be here for you, May. You're still my best friend, come here." He says pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry softly into his neck. I know that we will always be friends no matter what.

That was a year and a half ago, the end of freshman year, but it seems like a million years ago. After Lucas and I broke up, we said we would stay friends, but that didn't go as planned. We just ended up going our different ways. Lucas became the guy everyone thought he was in middle school, he started sleeping around with any girl he could get his hands on. He was the captain of the football and basketball team. I occasionally saw him walking through the halls with some girl on his arm or trying to score a touchdown at a football game. I, on the other hand, went a different direction. I'm not a nerd but I do but work hard at school. I started working out to get rid of my stress and anxiety and that made me have one of the best bodies in our grade. I actually started putting effort into my appearance but I still didn't care what people thought of me. I'm still the boss ass bitch that I was in middle school, but now I'm just better looking and a ton of guys want me. I met some new people but I kept a lot of my old friends. Surprisingly, Bryce is still one of my best friends and my girl best friend is named Veronica. Veronica is gorgeous and just as sassy as me, we are basically twins.

Right now, I'm getting ready for school. Since I was too lazy to shower last night, I decide to take a quick shower this morning. I step into the shower and start my daily shower routine. After doing everything in the shower, I step out and wrap myself in a towel. I decide to head to my room and pick out an outfit. I decide to wear black, ripped skinny jeans and a white adidas crop top. I then sit down at my vanity and start on my hair and makeup. I leave my hair down and do some natural makeup for the school day. my phone starts ringing and I see that Veronica is calling me.

"Hey hoe, you ready?" Veronica asks me over the phone.

"Good morning to you too Ronnie," I chuckle.

"Just answer the damn question May, are you ready or not? I got my period this morning and I'm not in the mood." Ronnie asks me again.

"I'll be ready in five, do you want some Starbucks Ronnie?" I ask smiling.

"Duh, I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I'm on my way" she says laughing. I then hang up. I put on some black heel booties and grab my bag before meeting Ronnie outside.

"Hey bitch!" I say hopping into her car.

"Good morning slut!" Ronnie says as she exits my drive way. We drive to Starbucks and jam out to music in her car.

"So, now that I got my period it means that Jacob and I can't ya know tonight" Ronnie says groaning.

"So you're mad because you can't have sex with your boyfriend tonight? Oh Ronnie, my life would be so dull without you!" I giggle.

"Oh shut up! You would be mad if you couldn't have sex with Bryce every night!" Ronnie says sticking her tongue out.

"I'm not hooking up with Bryce! He's my best friend and like my brother, that would be disgusting!" I shout.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now