It Was A Mistake

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Maya's POV

I wake up in a familiar place but I soon realize that it isn't my bed. I try to move my legs to stretch but I groan in pain. It's still dark outside so I know that it isn't morning yet. I look around and see a shirtless Lucas sleeping next to me. Oh shit! I slept with him! I look around for my phone and when I finally find it, I see that I have a million messages, most of them from Ronnie. She keeps asking me if my dick appointment went well or what I was doing. I check the time and see that it's almost 2 am. Crap, my parents are already home, I need to get home! I try to sit up and move but the strong arms that belong to Lucas Crawford are holding me down.

"Lucas, wake up." I say lowly slightly shaking him. He groans in response. Just like when we were dating! Hmmm, how did I wake him up then? Oh, I know. I start kissing all over his face and then he starts to slowly wake up.

"May, why am I awake? The sun isn't even up yet." He says groaning.

"I need you to let me out of the house. I have to go home." I whisper.

"Why can't you spend the night?" He asks finally looking at me.

"Yeah, um no. I need to get home like right now. Please just come downstairs and make sure the alarm isn't set" I beg and give him the puppy dog eyes.

He gives in and we both stand up out of bed. I notice that I'm only wearing one of his shirts and nothing else. I bend over to get all my clothes and I start to get dressed. As I'm about to take off his shirt, he tells me to keep it and I don't argue. We both walk down the stairs and make sure the alarm isn't set.

"Listen, we can't talk about tonight ever again." I say looking into his eyes.

"Why not? Don't you wanna tell Ronnie how amazing I am in bed?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, Ronnie doesn't count, of course I'm going to tell her. You can't tell anyone because I don't want people to know that we hooked up and it was a mistake. I'm not the kind of girl who sleeps around and I don't wanna be known as Lucas's next slut. Do not tell anyone, got it?" I say raising my eyebrow and he nods.

"I'll see you later, bye" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. His wrap tightly around my waist and I never wanna let him go. Once I do, I leave his house and get in my car. I speed home and enter my house quietly. Thank god my parents are sleeping and so is Derek. I walk up the stairs and text Ronnie telling her that I'll tell her everything tomorrow. I really need to shower but I decide to wait until morning so I don't disturb my parents. I lay down in bed and try to go over everything that happened. He was so good in bed, like he was definitely the best I've had. Even though I hate meaningless sex, I still have it. I mean sometimes the fingers just don't do you justice. But why did it have to be with him? I probably fell right into his trap ugh! I just need to go to sleep and say goodbye to this awful day. I fall into a deep sleep as soon as my eyes close.

Few hours later...

I wake up to the annoying noise of my alarm clock. I go take a shower because I feel nasty and sticky and sweaty. That's never a good feeling. Today I decide to wear a black and white flannel with black jeans and black high heeled booties. I straighten my hair and do some natural makeup. Ronnie texts me that she's here so I grab my breakfast bar, my bag, and my phone and head out the door.

"Tell me everything! I want every single mother trucking detail!!" She shouts and I wince at her squealing.

"We had sex," I shrug and take a bite of my bar.

"That isn't every single detail! Tell me!"

"Fine. We were sitting there on his bed just talking and then I kissed him. Once he started kissing back I pulled away and tried to leave but he pulled me back into his grip and started kissing me harder. He lifted me up and slammed me against the door. Then he gave me a few hickeys," I pause and show her my neck.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now