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Maya's POV

Shit. That's what I feel like, I feel like shit. My whole Mexico trip was completely ruined because of my cheating ex boyfriend. I barely left Alana and Bryce's room, I cried until I didn't have any tears left, and I barely ate. I'm trying so hard not to let this breakup ruin me, but it's not working. Bryce was really worried about leaving me alone and he kept trying to stay back with me, but Alana and I made him go down to the pool. Besides, I liked being alone anyway, it meant that I could cry as loud and as hard as I wanted to. It meant that I could look at pictures of Lucas and I without being judged. On the way home, I didn't look at Lucas the whole time, even though I really wanted to. Alana and Ronnie told me that he couldn't keep his eyes off of me which made me just wanna cry. I don't think I've ever hated anyone and missed someone more. I just don't understand why he cheated on me. I gave him everything. I wasn't a prude, I wasn't rude or abusive, I didn't flirt with other guys, I'm smart, I gave him everything. There was no good reason for him to cheat on me. I don't care if he was drunk and high, he still said that he wanted to have sex with that girl. I didn't deserve this.

Right now, I'm laying in bed watching Netflix. Normally, I would want Goodwin here laying next to me, but every time I look at him I see Lucas. When I came home last week, my parents were quite concerned. They called my sister and Amanda tried to come home but I told her not to. I've taken way too much of her time this year, and she shouldn't have to worry about her mentally unstable little sister. I haven't cried since I got home, thank god. But all I do is watch tv and stay in my room. The only people that I want to see are Alana and Derek. Alana was the only one in my friend group who didn't tell me to be careful or not to date him, so that's the only reason why I allow her to come over. I feel like an idiot, like such a dumb fool who fell in love with a fuckboy. I sigh as I think about it and continue to watch my show until I hear a knock at my front door. I groan and get up to get it since I'm the only one home. I hope and I pray to god that it isn't Lucas. I pull up my leggings, pull down my shirt, and open the door. Once I see Amanda standing on the other side of that door, I sigh in relief and smile for the first time in two weeks.

"Hey little sis." She smiles opening her arms. I wrap my arms around her and cry softly into her shoulder. "Shhh, don't cry. I don't want you to cry."

"Neither do I. I didn't think I had any tears left." I chuckle.

"Go get your shoes on, we're gonna go get some ice cream." She says.

"Okay." I sigh before going upstairs and sliding my Birkenstocks on. I brush my hair out and leave it down before heading downstairs.

"Ready to go, May?" Amanda asks.

"Yeah." I say as we go outside while I lock up the door. We walk to her car and I sit in the passenger seat waiting for her. "How's life, panda?"

"Not too good, my sister is in pain." She says glancing at me holding my hand.

"Besides me, how are things?" I ask smiling slightly.

"Good, school hasn't started yet. The dogs are good and Peyton is good."

"Awesome! Where is the dude?"

"He stayed home, I didn't want him to come with me."

"What? Why not?" I ask concerned.

"I needed to spend time with you alone." She says with a sad smile on her face.

"You didn't have to come. I shouldn't be taking anymore time out of your life." I say playing with my fingers looking guilty.

"You are my sister. You're my family, and you come before anything else, before everything else. You didn't ask for me to come, I came on my own and I needed to." She says pulling into the ice cream parlor.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat