A New Maya

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Maya's POV

Today was a day that I was dreading. It was the day that I had to meet the other Maya in my boyfriend's life. I was not looking forward to meeting her at all. She introduced my boyfriend to the girl that he cheated on me with and she knew about it! Lucas keeps trying to tell me that she's a great person and she's hilarious, but I still do not wanna meet her. When Lucas told me that she was moving here a few days before thanksgiving, I assumed she was moving here soon, not almost a month later! Now we're on winter break, and I just have to show her around town with Lucas.

"Lucas I don't wanna go! I don't wanna meet her!" I whine plopping down on his bed.

"Maya, please just do this for me. I promise that you will like her! You guys are a lot alike." He says sitting on the edge of the bed pulling me up.

"Lucas, why are you doing this to me? This is supposed to be my favorite time of year, and she's gonna ruin it. I just wanna spend the day with you." I pout. I pull my knees up to my chest and make myself look like a ball so he can't pick me up.

"She's not gonna ruin it. You act like she's the devil's spawn or something. I don't understand why you don't wanna meet her. You're being ridiculous." He sighs.

"You don't understand?! She's a reminder of the worst time in my life you dumbass! How the hell would you not be able to understand? If I'm being so ridiculous, then I don't have to meet her. I'm going home." I sigh getting up from the bed and sliding on my vans. I grab my phone and keys before leaving his room and going downstairs.

"Maya Isabel Winters! Get your hot ass back here!" Lucas shouts following me down the stairs.

"Lucas I wanna go home! Let me leave!" I whine trying to open my car door. Lucas shuts the door and throws me over his shoulder carrying me back into his house. "Put me down! Lucas!" I scream punching his back.

"Calm the fuck down Maya! You are freaking out for no reason!" He says putting me back on his bed.

"If I cheated on you, you wouldn't want to meet his best friend would you? That's like me hanging out with Alex and making you meet him." I say frowning.

"No it's not the same thing! You dated Alex! I didn't fuck or date Maya! She's gay for god's sake! This is truly ridiculous Maya! I met Caleb and Zay and fought my jealousy with them for you! Why can't you do this one thing for me? She's a really good friend and she's important to me!"

"Oh you do not wanna even bring up the beach house, Lucas! I'm done, I'm going home! Don't follow me!" I shout walking back to the door.

"Fine, whatever. Have fun by yourself! Maya's coming over here, so if you change your mind, you know where to find us. I love you even though you're acting crazy." He says from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too. Have fun with the other Maya in your life." I say walking out the door and slamming it shut. I get in my car and drive away back to my house. When I arrive to my house, I walk in the door and scream.

"Ugh! I fucking hate everyone!" I scream slamming the door shut.

"What's wrong now May?" My sister Amanda says.

"Lucas and Maya! That's what's wrong! Ugh!" I scream throwing my bag on the ground.

"Alright calm down." She laughs.

"I'm glad that you think my anger and frustration and pain is so funny to you. I'm going to lay down." I sigh walking up the stairs to my room. You may think I'm being ridiculous, but I hate thinking about that time in my life. It was terrible, and she is just a reminder of that. I understand that she wasn't the one that had sex with my boyfriend but she did introduce them to one another and that sucks. I just, I don't wanna ever be reminded of that time in my life ever again. But god I'm being such a terrible girlfriend. I always am having Lucas do shit for me, and I can't do this one thing for him. I really am the worst girlfriend ever, I hate myself. My thoughts are broken when I hear my text tone ring in my ears. I look down and see that Callie texted me.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now