So Are You Pregnant??

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Maya's POV

Well here I am 8 weeks pregnant! I went to the doctor a few days after school started again and it turns out the test was right, I'm pregnant! And I was scared at first, but now I couldn't be happier. When Lucas and I told our parents, our moms were very excited. My dad wasn't too happy at first but now he is. Lucas and I have been looking for a ton of baby things and we've been so so excited. Even though I'm only 8 weeks, I can't wait to meet my daughter or son.

Right now, I'm just chilling on my bed with my hands on my stomach waiting for Lucas to come over. The worst part of the pregnancy has definitely been the morning sickness. I've been having it since that first morning that I took the tests. But for the past two days, it hasn't been bad. I haven't even thrown up. I hear the door open and Goodwin doesn't bark which means he knows who it is so I'm assuming it's Lucas.

"Babygirl! It's just me. I'm getting you some Gatorade and then I'll be upstairs." He says from downstairs.

"Okay!" I say with a smile. "Daddy's here. He came just to see you baby." I giggle.

"How're my babies doing?" Lucas asks walking into my room grinning.

"We're doing pretty good I think." I say rubbing my stomach that is exposed due to the crop top I'm wearing.

"I think? What's wrong?" He asks walking over to me and laying in between my legs.

"I just have some cramps but I'm okay." I smile.

"Did you have morning sickness again?" He asks.

"Nope. So that's good." I say.

"Okay well we're gonna take it easy today. Maybe we shouldn't tell our group today." He says.

"Yeah. I wanna wait till after three months, that's like a good period of time." I say.

"Three months? That's a hella long time though babygirl." He says pouting.

"I know but after three months, miscarriage is less likely." I say.

"You are not gonna have a miscarriage." He says seriously.

"I know but still. Let's just wait until our next appointment." I say smiling slightly.

"Okay. We will tell them whenever you want to." He says kissing my stomach before getting up and laying down next to me.

"Ugh I'm tired." I say snuggling into him.

"It's probably the pregnancy. Women are supposed to get more tired as the pregnancy goes on." He says wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah I know. I just wanna sleep all day." I laugh.

"Then that's what we'll do. Relax. Close your eyes." He tells me kissing my head softly.  I smile and kiss his lips quickly before closing my eyes. I turn around so that my back  is facing Lucas. He wraps his arms around my waist and caresses my stomach making me giggle. "Go to sleep silly goose."

"I don't want to. I thought I was tired, but I just wanna talk to you." I say turning back around.

"Okay babygirl. How are your cramps?" He asks.

"They aren't as bad as my period cramps, but they still hurt." I say.

"Have you taken any pain meds?" He asks.

"I don't think I can with the baby. I don't wanna hurt our child." I say putting my hand on my stomach in a protective way.

"Let me look it up." He says grabbing his phone. After a few seconds, he turns it off and gets up. "You can have a low dosage of Tylenol so I'm gonna go get you one pill and some water."

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