The Sleepover

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Maya's POV

When I wake up I can still feel the tears on my pillowcase. I get up and look myself in the mirror, I'm a mess. My face is dry, my cheeks are puffy, and my eyes are bloodshot red. Why did I spend my night crying over a jerk like him? I was trying to figure out if I should go to school late or if I should leave early. I decided to leave early because my important classes are at the beginning of the day. If you are wondering why I wanna leave early it's because I just don't feel like being at school the whole day and seeing Lucas's ugly ass face. I finally decide to actually get ready for school by getting dressed in a cropped hoodie and leggings.  I put my hair in a ponytail and go downstairs to eat breakfast. I grab a bar and a smoothie and then get in my car.

Once I pull into the school parking lot, I slam my doors shut and walk into school.

"May, are you okay? I haven't talked to you all morning" Ronnie says.

"I'm fine." I say emotionless.

"You look like you've been crying. What's wrong?" Bryce asks.

"I said I'm fine!" I snap.

"Okay fine. Nevermind, May." Bryce and Ronnie both say. I sigh and walk to my locker alone. While I'm walking, I hear some boys cat-calling me and one touches my ass as I walk past them.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap. He touches me again and my blood starts to boil. I'm about to push him away from me when he is suddenly slammed against a locker.

"She said 'Don't fucking touch me.' so don't fucking touch her." The guy that I now realize is Lucas growls.

"Woah man, sorry didn't know she had a boyfriend." The boy raises his hands in surrender.

"Lucas, let him go." I say.

"Not until he apologizes to you," Lucas says gripping him by his shirt harder.

"I'm sorry Maya!" The guys says and Lucas lets him go. Lucas then tries to walk off but I call after him.

"Lucas, get your ass back here!" I shout after him.


"Listen, I don't need your help and I certainly don't fucking want it! I can handle myself perfectly fine, I did it for 2 years and I can do it for a lot longer than that!" I shout at him.

"I was just trying to help you out, sorry May." He says walking away.

"Here's your fucking shirt!" I say as I throw it at his back.

"I told you to keep it."

"I don't want anything that belongs to your fuckboy ass," I say walking away from the whole scene.

"May, why did you have Lucas's shirt?" Bryce asked and the last thing I wanna do is lie to him right now.

"Because we hooked up!" I shout at him.

"When?" He asks looking angry.

"A couple days ago. B, please don't be mad." I say getting upset.

"You lied, you said you were working out but instead you were fucking your ex boyfriend. I can't believe you."

"Bryce, it isn't that big of a deal. It was just a one time thing. It was a mistake." I say getting tears in my eyes.

"It doesn't matter! The fact is, you lied!" Bryce shouts.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry. I won't lie to you ever again." I say letting a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"I don't fucking care Maya." He spits and then walks away. Ronnie wraps her arms around me and I cry in them for a few seconds, then I dry my eyes and walk away.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now