Protective Boyfriend

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Maya's POV

It's now Monday and I've never wanted to stay home from school more. I would rather shave all my hair off instead of go to school.

"Mommy!" I shout from upstairs.

"Yes sweetie?" She says coming into my room.

"Can I stay home? Please?" I ask begging.

"No, you know that you can't. If you still wanna come home, you can come home at lunch okay? Just text me and I'll call the office." She says walking out. I sigh and get out of bed before getting dressed. I slide on some leggings and one of Lucas's sweatshirts as usual. I put my hair up into a ponytail and swipe some mascara on my lashes. After that, I put my vans on and then I go downstairs to grab my keys and go to school.

When I get to school, Lucas is waiting for me by my parking spot. I get out of my car and he smiles sadly at me.

"Morning babygirl." Lucas says opening my car door.

"Hi." I pout.

"What's wrong with my girl?" He asks putting his hands on my waist.

"I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna see them." I whine burying my head into his chest.

"You have no reason to be scared, I'm gonna be right here. I will not let anything happen to my girl." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay. Kiss kiss?" I sigh looking up at him. He smiles and nods before pecking my lips quickly. He hugs me once again before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and walking me into school.

As we walk into school, he kisses my forehead as we walk past my old group of friends. Veronica has a new blonde best friend and I guess she has a boyfriend too. Veronica points at me and whispers to her friend as I put my head into Lucas's chest. When we get to my friends, I hear a terrible noise, a cat call. And of course the cat call is coming from Riley. Bryce just laughs and nudges him.

"I just wanna go home." I say looking up at Lucas.

"Wait here." He says kissing my forehead and then walking over to them. Callie and Tara wrap their arms around me as Maya walks behind Lucas and walks over to Veronica.

"Listen to me! If you ever try to make fun of Maya again, I will make sure that you won't ever make fun of anyone again. Maya is the best person in the world and she showed you around when you got here. So don't even try to whisper things to your new little blonde best friend about my best friend. Understand? Wonderful." Maya says glaring at them before walking back over to the group.

"I love you Maya." I say reaching up to hug her since she's giant compared to me, especially when she wears heels.

"I love you too name twin." She says kissing my head. "But your ex best friend is hot, holy shit." She says making me laugh. My laughter is cut off when I hear a person being shoved against a wall.

"Don't you ever try to touch or hit on my girlfriend again! Do you hear me?" Lucas yells at Riley.

"I didn't touch her dude!" He laughs.

"If you ever try to, I will cut your hand off and shove it down your throat. And don't forget that you have tried to rape my girlfriend twice already. If you try a third time, it'll be your last try to do anything." He growls.

"Third time's a charm!" Riley says winking. With that I can see Lucas unravel from here. He punches him across the face and Riley falls to the ground.

"Leave Maya alone!" He says looking down at him. "And you!" He says pointing at Bryce. "You used to be her best friend! You were supposed to protect her and this is what you call it? You being best friends with her rapist? Fuck you for that! Fuck all of you honestly! The only good people that were ever in that god awful group of friends were Maya and Alana. You two were supposed to be there for her, you weren't supposed to give up on her. I know what I did to Maya was wrong, but what you did was even worse! Don't ever come close to her ever again, and don't even try to talk to her ever again. Don't comment on her posts, don't text her, don't laugh at her as she walks down the hallways, because if you do I will make sure all of you pay for it!" Lucas shouts at Bryce, Jacob, and Veronica. Veronica just looks down and stares at the ground while all three of them look guilty. I stand in all of my friends' arms as tears brim my eyes.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now