Cuddlely, Cutesy, and Clingy Couple

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Maya's POV

I opened my eyes to see the light shining through my windows and onto my face. I whine as I turn over and grab my phone to text Lucas. I was about to text him that I want him to come over when I hear a knock on my door. I groan and walk downstairs and open the door to see Lucas standing there rubbing his eyes.

"Hey baby." He says in his hot morning voice.

"Hi bubba. What're you doing here so early?" I ask before yawing.

"I wanna cuddle." He says pouting making me laugh a little bit.

"Come on." I say before grabbing his hand and leading him up the stairs. He follows behind me and places his hands on my waist gently. I plop down on my bed and Lucas does the same.

"Can we spend all day together?" He asks pulling me closer to him.

"We usually do." I say snuggling into his neck.

"No but like in bed, me and you, cuddling all day." He says in his super cute voice.

"Of course bubba, are you okay?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to spend all day with you and only you." He says snuggling his head into my chest.

"Okay well, I got my period last night, so no sex." I say playing with his hair.

"Oh no! So you're in pain? I'm sorry babygirl." He says before kissing my stomach softly making me giggle.

"I'm okay babe, don't worry. If my stomach starts hurting, I'll tell you and have you rub it for me." I smile.

"Even more of a reason to stay in today." He says softly wrapping his arms around my waist tighter.

"Are you still tired bubba? Cause I kinda am." I say before yawning.

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep and I needed my girl." He says looking up at me. I smile and kiss him quickly before we change positions and cuddle into each other. I intertwine my legs with his and put my head in his neck while wrapping my arms around him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head.

"Go to sleep babygirl." He says in a whisper making chills go down my spine.

"It's so early in the morning yet you still smell so good." I say inhaling his cologne.

"Shh, sleep. I love you." He says.

"I love you more." I say.

"I love you most." He says. He gives me a quick kiss and I smile before kissing him back. After we pull away, a wave of sleepiness falls all over me and I fall into a deep sleep cuddled into my boyfriend.

After a couple more hours of sleep, I open my eyes to see him looking at me and playing with my hair.

"Good morning again bubba." I say with a soft smile.

"Morning beautiful." He says stroking the bridge of my nose and my cheeks.

"What're you doing silly goose?" I ask smiling.

"Tracing your beautiful freckles that I love very much." He says kissing my nose.

"So what do you wanna do today while we stay at home?" I ask.

"I don't really care. We can watch movies, sleep, take a bath, anything as long as I can hold you." He says.

"You're being a clingy little bitch today aren't you?" I ask teasingly and he nods while laughing. I peck his cheek before grabbing my phone and turning over. Lucas moves into a spooning position as we both go through our phones.

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