The Accident

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Lucas's POV

I wake up to the annoying sound of my phone buzzing. I look over to my side to see if Maya's awake and realize she's not there. I grab my phone and see Maya's name.

"Maya? Where are you?" I ask.

"Hello, is this Lucas Crawford?" I hear a voice on the other end ask.

"Yes this is he. Where is my girlfriend? Is everything okay?" I ask concerned.

"No. Your girlfriend has been in a terrible accident. She's in critical condition and you need to get her family down here now." The voice says and I drop the phone. I freeze and can't move. "Hello? Lucas? She needs you here, please get down here as soon as possible." I hear the voice say and hang up. I get out of bed and get dressed quickly. I go to Amanda and wake her up.

"Amanda! Wake up!" I shout shaking her awake.

"What the hell? What's wrong?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"It's Maya. She's been in an accident." I say stuttering on my words.

"What? Is she okay?" She shouts getting out of bed.

"No. She's in critical condition. I need to get down there so please get your family down there as soon as possible." I say.

"Go! Go make sure she's okay!" Amanda says getting dressed. I try to move but I can't. I start crying.

"It's all my fault. I let her drive away in that car. I thought she came home after I fell asleep. It's all my fault." I say and Amanda hugs me.

"Listen to me, it's not your fault. Now go and see her and make sure that my little sister, the love of your life, is okay." Amanda says holding my face and I nod and leave the house. I call an UBER to come and get me and drive me to the hospital. Once we arrive at the hospital, I run out of the car and into the hospital.

"Hello! I need to find Maya Winters. I got a call that she was in a bad accident and I need to find her." I say in an urgent tone at the front desk.

"She's being prepped for surgery at the moment, we can't allow her to have visitors right now." The nurse says.

"Can you tell me what happened? Please." I say almost beginning to cry.

"Maya was driving past the speed limit. She crashed into a tree as she was turning. She hit her head on the steering wheel and her legs were stuck in the car under the wheel. Her x rays show that her left leg is broken and she has a small brain bleed. We have the best surgeons working on her and they're going to do everything they can to save her. She has a very good chance of survival if everything goes perfectly." The nurse explains and I nod. I sit down on one of the chairs in the waiting room and cry.

"Lucas! Lucas what happened?" Her mom shouts as she walks into the hospital.

"She, she was driving too fast and she hit a tree. Her head hit the steering wheel and her legs were stuck under the wheel. The x rays show that her left leg is broken and the CT shows that she has a small brain bleed. The nurse said," I pause to take a deep breath.

"What did the nurse say?" They all ask me.

"The nurse said she was being prepped for surgery. They have the best surgeons working on her and her survival rate is very good if everything goes perfectly. This is all my fault. I did this to her." I say putting my head in my hands.

"Lucas, what happened before she left?" Her mom asks sitting down next to me and putting her hand on my back.

"We went to dinner and the waitress brought me some drinks and Maya kept drinking them even though I told her not to. Of course she got drunk and I took everyone home once Maya started to feel bad. Maya and I went to lay on the beach and she started saying how this trip was bad and it was all her fault. I tried to keep telling her that it wasn't and she told me that she left her meds at home. I told her she didn't need them and she blew up at me. She kept talking so badly about herself and I couldn't listen anymore. She thought I was saying that I wanted to break up with her so she grabbed her keys and started to walk towards her car. I tried to stop her so many times but she wouldn't listen. She got in the car and drove away. I tried to stay up and wait for her but I accidentally fell asleep and I just assumed she was with me until I woke up to the phone call and realized she wasn't. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." I say crying even harder. "I can't lose her, I can't."

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