What a Weird Day

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Maya's POV

Right now Lucas and I are laying down in my bed in our underwear and I'm laughing my head off.

"That's never happened before." Lucas growls.

"You got so angry! Doesn't it happen to every guy at some point?" I laugh.

"It's still embarrassing." He says frowning and that just makes me laugh harder. "It's not funny! Stop laughing!" Lucas says. I try to stop laughing but I can't. Lucas looks at me and I burst out laughing. If you're wondering what I'm laughing about, Lucas and I were about to have sex and let's just say he couldn't get it up.

"Okay, I'm sorry, baby." I say turning to look at him. He looks at me pouting and I take his face in my hands. "It's fine, I don't really care about it. I've definitely seen what little Lucas can do and I'm quite impressed, so it's okay that for this one time little Lucas couldn't stand up." I say trying not to laugh.

"Let it out." Lucas sighs and I laugh putting my head on his chest. "Are you done?" He asks and I nod. I climb on top of him and straddle his waist.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I ask putting my hands on his chest.

"I don't know. Wanna hang out with everyone?" He asks.

"Sure. Do you wanna try again until then?" I ask smirking.

"If it'll work, then sure." Lucas chuckles.

"You act like this has happened before. You're such a silly goose." I say giggling.

"It was embarrassing Maya. That's like you not getting wet enough, wouldn't that be embarrassing for you?" He asks putting his hands on my waist.

"That's actually happened to me like twice, just not with you." I say.

"Who did it happen with then?" He asks.

"Some random guy that I hooked up with earlier this year. He was so ugly and so so bad in bed." I say giggling.

"Yikes. How many guys have you been with, Maya?" He asks. I take a minute to think about it and then tell him.

"I think 6 including you?" I say not sure. "Yeah, 6."

"Damn all in the time span of less than a year? I didn't know you got around that quickly." He says.

"Are you calling me a slut? That's not very nice." I say raising my eyebrows at him.

"No! I would never call you that! I would never call any girl that!" Lucas says raising his hands in a defensive way.

"Then what were you trying to say?" I ask getting up and putting clothes on.

"What're you doing? I thought we were gonna try again." He says.

"I don't think I really wanna have sex with someone that just called me a slut." I chuckle pulling on my boot and hobbling downstairs.

"I didn't call you a slut!" He says following me down the stairs.

"You technically did, Lucas. It's fine, everyone has their own opinions." I say getting some water.

"But I don't think you're a slut, Maya! I'm not one to talk." Lucas mutters.

"Wait what? How many girls have you been with?" I ask him putting my hands on my hips.

"You don't wanna know." He says.

"But I do. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't wanna know." I say.

"Maya, there's been a lot of girls that didn't matter. I can't count how many of them there were." He says and I stare at him with wide eyes. "But there's only one girl that mattered."

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now