Oh No

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Lucas's POV

I wake up and slowly stretch my arms and legs before looking to my side to see my beautiful girlfriend knocked out. We drove back down from the beach house yesterday and Maya got really car sick. She felt better once we got home but it took her a long time to fall asleep last night so I can see why she's so tired. Her blonde hair is all over her face and she's breathing quite heavily. She slowly starts to wake up and I can hear her groan as she snuggles into my chest.

"You okay babygirl? How's your tummy?" I ask rubbing her back up and down.

"It's fine, I'm just tired." She whispers. 

"Go back to sleep." I say softly.

"I don't want to. I wanna cuddle with you." She says wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Baby, I don't want you to be tired. Just try to sleep for me even if it's for a little bit." I say.

"Will you hold me?" She asks looking up at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Always." I say holding her close to me. She smiles before she tries to fall asleep quickly. I grab my phone and go through it since I haven't been on my phone in a day.

"I can't sleep bubba." She whines.

"Come here beautiful." I say pulling her on top of me. She locks her arms around my neck and puts her head in the crook of my neck.

"What?" She asks in her baby voice.

"Want some breakfast?" I ask and I can feel her nod. I lift her up and wrap my arms under her huge ass.

"Can you make me some waffles and scrambled eggs please?" She asks as I walk down the stairs of my house.

"If I have all the stuff, of course." I say kissing her forehead.

"Yay. Thank you." She says kissing my cheek.

"Anything for my babygirl." I say. As we get downstairs, I see my mom standing at the island mixing waffle mix.

"Good morning little love birds! How are you guys doing?" My mom asks with a smile.

"Tired." Maya mumbles into my neck.

"What're you doing home mom? I thought you had work." I say adjusting Maya in my arms.

"Oh well I was gonna make you guys some breakfast and then head off." She says. "How do waffles and scrambled eggs sound?" She asks and Maya giggles in my neck.

"That's exactly what she wanted me to make her." I laugh.

"Oh okay! Well go sit down and I'll make it for you two babies." She says smiling before turning around to face the stove. I go sit down on the couch with Maya on top of me and she looks so peaceful since she's practically half asleep.

"What do you wanna do today pretty girl?" I ask.

"Eat and cuddle and kiss your precious face." She says quietly.

"Sounds good to me. Do you ever plan on letting me go though?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Not unless I have to." She mumbles.

"Gimme a kiss silly girl." I say. She looks up at me and places her lips on mine softly. I rub her back softly as I kiss her back. The kiss is very soft and I can tell she likes it very much because she can't help but smile.

"Mmmm I love your kisses more than anything on the planet." She says smiling cutely.

"Even more than food?" I ask and she contemplates it for a while.

Now We Have Bad Blood, It Used To Be Mad Love (Lucas and Maya)Where stories live. Discover now