Happy Valentine's Day!

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Maya's POV

My alarm goes off and instead of groaning, I smile and turn it off. As I grab my phone, I see that my wonderful boyfriend texted me.

Lucas♥️: happy valentines day babygirl! I love you more than anything!

Maya♥️: happy valentines day bubba! I love you too and I can't wait to see you!

Lucas♥️: I can't wait to give you your gift and to kiss your beautiful lips

Maya♥️: I can't wait to give you your gift either and kiss your adorable face

Lucas♥️: I love you baby. see you at 4

Maya♥️: I love you more. see you then

I turn my phone off and go downstairs to get some breakfast. I go to the table and see my dad's annual gift for all of us. Usually there are four sets of gifts, but now there's only three. He always gets a bouquet of roses, a card, and a box of chocolates for my mom, my brother, my sister and I but this year there isn't one for Amanda. I smile and read the card before popping one of the chocolates into my mouth. I go into the kitchen and see my brother sitting at the island eating cereal.

"Hi bud. Good morning!" I say kissing his head.

"You're actually here?" He asks with sass in his voice.

"Why is that surprising? I live here." I say opening the refrigerator and looking through it for food.

"Because you are always with Lucas and since it's valentine's day, I just assumed you guys would spend it together." He says.

"Well obviously I'm gonna see him but that's not until later."  I say.

"Of course you are." He says rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut it! What is your problem?" I ask annoyed.

"You are literally never here! You are always with him!" He shouts.

"Because he's my boyfriend! And actually I haven't seen him in like three days!" I say in an obvious tone.

"And you literally haven't spent any time with me since you guys started seeing each other again." He says.

"You are like five! I don't need to spend every single fucking minute with you!" I shout.

"You're the worst big sister ever!" He shouts at me before punching me in the stomach.

"Fuck you!" I yell clutching my stomach in pain.

"Both of you knock it off!" My mom yells pulling my brother away from me. "Apologize to your sister right now!"

"No!" He shouts crossing his arms.

"Apologize to your brother!" My mom yells at me.

"What the hell do I have to apologize for? He freaking punched me!" I yell.

"I hope you get into another car accident and I hope you die this time!" He yells before stomping upstairs.

"And he wonders why I'm always with my boyfriend." I say wiping tears away from my eyes.

"You know he doesn't mean it sweetheart." My mom says hugging me.

"He's not the only person who wants me to get into another accident thats for sure." I say pulling away from my mom and making myself some breakfast.

After I make myself some breakfast, I go upstairs to eat it. I turn my TV on and eat my toast and drink my smoothie. After I finish, Derek comes into my room.

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