All The Drugs in This World Won't Save Her From Herself

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After everyone had left Twiggy's place, Marilyn and I had a few more drinks and Twiggy drove us back to Marilyn's apartment, he had recently moved out of Twiggy's. I was becoming drowsy and I had laid on my back in the back seat with my head in Marilyn's lap. I looked up at him and he pushed my hair out of my face, I smiled and he bent down to kiss me. "Can y'all wait we are almost to y'all's room, you obviously need it." I laughed, "Not like your getting any action tonight Twiggy." He sarcastically laughed. "Speaking of things you might need," Twiggy said while handing Marilyn his wallet. "look it one of the pockets." Marilyn did as he was told and eventually pulled out a condom. Marilyn looked at me, shook his head and laughed, showing me what he had found. He then threw it at the back of Twiggy's head. "We don't need that." Marilyn told Twiggy. "Nikki, doesn't want it." He laughed. I looked at him, "I'm hurt." I said, pretending to cry. Marilyn laughed. "Sorry babe."

When home Marilyn said bye to Twiggy and walked up to me, unlocking the door so we could get in. He shut the door behind him and I waited, he turned and smiled at me. He looked so sexy... his hair was straight and down, and he had in a blue contact. I couldn't help it, I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He kissed me back almost instantly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed my sides. I jumped and laughed, "You can't do that." He looked at me and smirked. "Why not?" He pretended to whine like a baby and then laughed. "Because I said so." I countered. He laughed, "Too bad." He then squeezed my sides again, I looked up at him, I got close to his face and acted like I was going to kiss him before pulling away. He just looked at me shocked. He scoffed. "Tease." I laughed and went to walk down the hall, he came to my side and pushed me into his room and onto the bed. He was on top of me with his arms on either side of me head. I laughed and he bent down to kiss me. I pulled back, "I bet you wish you had taken the condom now." He laughed, "Do we need it?" I thought for a minute, "No, guess not."

He bent down and kissed me again. Finally he stood up and pulled me up with him, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me once again. He moved his hands down to unbutton my shirt, he slipped it off and I began taking his shirt off as well. we threw the clothing on the floor. He picked me up and sat on the bed with me in his lap, kissing me the entire time. I pushed him backwards and straddled him. I laughed and so did he, I kissed him again, he moved his hands to my ass. I put my hands in his hair and he ran his up my back.

All the sudden Lithium by Evanescence began playing, my ringtone. I pulled the phone out of ny back pocket, an unknown number, I climbed off Marilyn. "Don't answer it." He said sitting up. I answered it anyway. "Hello?" I asked. "Watch your back little girl, never know who could be watching, and waiting." I was stunned. It must be a prank. "Who is this?" Marilyn looked concerned and whispered telling me to put the phone on speaker, I did and he stood beside me. "It's your worst nightmare baby." Marilyn jerked the phone out of my hands. "Who the fuck is this?" He asked. The voice on the other line laughed. "I hope you don't love her too much Brian." Marilyn looked at me, and took the phone off speaker, putting it to his ear. "I asked who this was." I looked at Marilyn and took the phone from him this time, returning it back to speaker. "I told you I would kill you that day... I changed my target. Might wanna protect Nikki, Brian." The line went dead. I looked back at Marilyn and closed the phone. He looked pissed, "Who was that?" I couldn't answer, my mind kept running over the words the stranger had said. "I told you I would kill you that day." It repeated over and over again, until my heart stopped, along with my breath. "Nikki? Nikki?" Marilyn was snapping in front of my face. "Edgar." Marilyn shook his head. "What?" I looked at him and bent to grab our shirts, we put them back on, Marilyn a little more a hesitant.

"Edgar, the guy that I dated, the one that tried to rape me. You beat the shit out of him, and he threatened to kill you. He told you he would kill you that day." Marilyn sat on the bed. "Nikki, he told me to protect you." I nodded... he was going to try to kill me.

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