Your Own Personal Jesus

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We pulled into the driveway, I had finally stopped crying. Thank god. I took a deep breath and Cal turned to me, Brenda leaned forward. "Ready?" Cal asked. I sighed and nodded. I slowly got out of the car.

I went upstairs and Brenda and Cal went to their rooms. I went to mine and Marilyn's. He was already laying down when I opened the door. He was just reading. I closed the door and took a quiet breath, I turned and walked into the closet. I got changed into my skimpy babydoll nightgown. I wasn't trying to look sexy, it was just comfortable for me.

I slowly laid down next to Marilyn. I pulled the covers over myself. And turned to look at him. He smiled at me, I kissed him. "Marilyn." He hummed back in response. "I think you would be a great dad." He smirked and put down his book. "Maybe. You would definitely be a great mom." He smiled at me.

I decided not to tell him tonight. I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning cradled in his arms. I stretched a bit and he shifted. I kissed his nose. "Marilyn." He shifted again, more this time. "Marilyn!" He looked at me with one eye. "Nikki." He simply stated. I laughed. "I want to make dinner tonight." I replied. He shrugged. "Okay babe. Whatever makes you happy." He closed his eyes again and I got up. "Where are you going?" He asked, not looking at me. "Going to clean up around the house I suppose. And probably make some breakfast." I said. He turned over and sat up, now looking at me. "No." He simply said. "What?" I asked, a little confused. "You should consider yourself lucky, I'm letting you make one meal today." He answered my question and I rolled my eyes. "Letting me?" I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. He smirked and I decided to put on some sweats.

When that was done I came back into the room and Marilyn was gone. I quietly laughed. "You son of a bitch!" I screamed, very, very loudly. "Ha, ha, I'm the son of Satan baby girl!" He screamed back from downstairs... the kitchen. I laughed to myself. Stubborn ass. I slowly walked downstairs and snuck up on him. He jumped and turned to see me, setting down the pan he had eggs in. I winked and he chuckled. I smirked and he pushed my hair behind my shoulder. I reached up and rubbed his neck with my hand. He kissed me. "Babe? Can I talk to you?" I asked, here I go.... He got a worried look on his face but nodded anyway.

I pulled him to the couch and sat him down. He took both my hands in his and squeezed them. "Baby, you didn't cheat on me did you?" He asked quietly. A small laugh escaped my lips. I shook my head and looked down at our hands before returning my gaze back to him. "No sweetie. Marilyn, Brian... um..." I couldn't get the words out. "Tell me baby, its okay." Marilyn assured, the worry didn't leave his eyes. I nodded and took a deep breath, I looked down at our hands again. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. I nodded to myself and looked back up into his eyes. "I'm pregnant." I said louder. "What?" He whispered back. His eyes wide. Oh no... he's scared or upset. "I'm going to be a dad?" He asked as a smile slowly spread across his face. I nodded timidly. He jumped up and pulled me up off the couch. He picked me up, spun me, then set me down and kissed me sweetly. A huge smile was on his face. I smiled back. "That's not all..." I said. He stopped and looked at me again. "What else is there?" He asked gently, trying to hide the thrill in his voice. "Well, I went to the doctor last night, not out with the girls, I mean, they came along, but we didn't go to a club or anything. It turns out I'm about four months pregnant.... and they knew the sex of the baby-" "And???" Marilyn cut me off. He was so excited, it made me feel a lot better. "-and, well, it turns out we are having twin girls." I told him, expecting him to tell me to get out, or say they weren't his. However, hat's not what happened. His smile GREW, which I didn't think was possible. "You're not upset?" I asked.  He shook his head. "It just makes it even better baby girl." He whispered and kissed my nose. My heart warmed... he was happy, I was going to have a family. He turned from me and ran to the phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. He turned and winked at me. "Gathering everyone up to tell them tonight." I laughed. "Cal and Brenda already know." I reminded him, he nodded. "Everyone is invited, invite anyone you want. I'll invite the band and the girls." I nodded and went to grab my cell phone.

I dialed the number. "Hi! How are the babies?" She asked. "Good, thanks for asking Abigail." She laughed. "Well, what's up darling?" She asked. "I'm having a party tonight to tell everyone about the babies." I explained to her. "You wanna come?" I continued. "Sure!" I gave her the directions and time.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. A pair of hands settled slowly on my shoulders, Marilyn sat behind me. I smiled and turned to hug him. "This is amazing babe." He told me again. I nodded and looked down at my stomach. "I invited Abigail, she is the doctor for me and the babies." Marilyn smiled and nodded. "She said it's normal for some girls not to show too much." I continued. Marilyn shrugged. "It'll show up later." He told me. I nodded and took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in my tummy.

"I love you guys." I whispered to my stomach. "Daddy loves you too." Marilyn chimed in talking to my stomach as well. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. We are going to be parents... I thought... I'm going to be a mom.

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