I Am Damaged, Need Human Wreckage.

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Finally, I got out of the hospital. I went back to, not my home, but Marilyn's. Finally I was better, like nothing had ever happened. I was standing there at the counter and he came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me, and turned me. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around him. "Nikki?" I shook my head. "What?" "Wake up!" I shook my head again, and opened my eyes. I had been asleep... He woke me up and pulled me out of bed, dragging me into the kitchen. "You up for tonight?" I got excited. "What are we doing?" I smiled. "Clubbing?" I got a sick feeling but was excited. "Yeah. Why are we going there?" He smiled. "We need to have good memories there. Not just bad." I laughed and nodded. "Okay."

Later that night he got Twiggy to drive us to club, Twiggy and Stormy came too. Hoping to fix the broken memory. After we got in, it was the same story, except I had Marilyn. So I could have fun, real fun. Marilyn instantly pulled me to the dance floor, followed by Twiggy and Stormy. Then, a familiar song came on... SLO-MO-TION, by none other than Marilyn Manson. This time, instead of getting gin, I danced, on Marilyn. Pushing myself against him, and wrapping my arms around him. I smiled and him and he put his hands around my waist and smiled back, putting his forehead against mine.

We kept dancing, just then, he jerked my hips closer towards him. And I laughed, pushing with him, he leaned down and kissed me.

I looked over at Stormy and Twiggy and saw them grinding on each other. This turned me on even more, I felt around for Marilyn's hair and I grabbed a handful. I gave it a playful tug and he laughed and used his hands to keep me pulled against him. I pulled his head down and kissed him again, rougher this time. Stormy and Twiggy walked over, saw us grinding on each other with handfuls of each other's hair and said one thing. "Damn! Y'all wanna go home??? Y'all need a room!" Twiggy joked. Marilyn stopped and looked at me and smiled, squeezing my side. I laughed and Marilyn looked at Twiggy. "Yeah, take us to my house." I looked at him wide eyed and suddenly became nervous. Twiggy laughed and nodded, walking Stormy, Marilyn and I back out to the car.

Once we were in the car, Marilyn and I sat in the back seat. Neither if us had a seatbelt on and I was sitting sideways with my legs over his lap. "Fuck guys!" Twiggy said meaning to sound annoyed, but to Marilyn, it sounded like a suggestion. He stopped kissing me for half a second in order to say "okay." To Twiggy. I just laughed and kissed him again.

Finally, we were home, the same thing happened. Marilyn grabbed my hand, helped me out of the car, and we walked up to his door.

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