Cut Off All of Your Fingers, Trade Them in For Dollar Bills.

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"Come on guys! Get ready! Show is in an hour!" Everyone began bustling around, due to Marilyn's words. Everyone was a lot more comfortable with each other now, it was nice.

"Baby?" I turned. "What's up Marilyn?" He smiled. "Do my make up tonight?" I jumped up and down cheering like a little kid that just got a new toy. "Hell yes!" He smirked at me. "Let's go!" I pulled his hand and led him into the bathroom, I applied his make up and let him look at it. "You are officially my new make up artist!" I smiled.

"Your outfit for tonight. It's on your bed!" I heard Twiggy call from outside the bathroom. "Okay!" I yelled through the door. Marilyn gave me a strange smile. "What?" He got extremely close to me, backing me into the corner. "Your outfit for tonight... I like it." He winked and I got nervous. "Did you pick it out?" He nodded.

I left the bathroom and went to look at my outfit. Marilyn covered my eyes before I could. "No peeking!" He laughed. I put my hands up in surrender. "Fine!" Marilyn pulled me by my hand into the "living room" and I sat on the couch next to Twiggy. Marilyn bent down to kiss me, but before he could, Twiggy leaned over and pretended to flirt. He just wanted to piss off Marilyn. "Hey baby, you come here often?" I laughed and Marilyn slapped him in the back of the head, this made me laugh harder. "Ouch! What do y'all say we all go out to get a drink tonight?" Marilyn nodded and I smiled.

Marilyn stood in front of me and leaned down, putting his hand behind me on the back of the couch. He leaned forward and kissed me, he climbed closer to me. Marilyn ran his hand down my back, he kissed me harder, it was as if no one else was in the room. "Can y'all go back to y'alls bunk to do this?" Twiggy pushed Marilyn off of me playfully. Marilyn glared and picked me up, he carried me back to our bunk and laid me down. He stuck his tongue out at Twiggy and shut the doors.

He smiled at me and I stood up, grabbing a handful of his hair. I pulled him down to my height and kissed him. He moaned in my mouth and I laughed. "Nikki!!!" I was jolted out of mine and Marilyn's passionate make out session by Caleigh's voice. I heard running and I ran out of our bunk. "Cal???" "Bathroom!" She replied. I went in the bathroom and closed the door behind me, Cal was hovering over the toilet vomiting. "Cal?" She gave me a thumbs up sign and I went up behind her holding her hair back.

"Come on Cal, you're out of the show tonight." She nodded and I pulled her back to her and Zim's bunk. I laid her down and got my things to leave and get changed. "Nikki? What's wrong with Cal?" Marilyn asked me. I shrugged. "She is just a little sick." He nodded and kissed me. "Let's go baby." I nodded and he pulled me to out dressing room. I pulled the outfit out and looked at it. A black corset with a black leather skirt, thigh high boots and fishnets. I smirked. "Sexy." I muttered to myself. I looked at Marilyn after I was dressed, he was in sweat pants. I laughed at the difference. "What the fuck?" Marilyn exclaimed, I got nervous. "What?" I asked. Marilyn licked his lips. "I want some of that." He pointed to me. "Some of what?" I asked. "This." He replied and kissed me. He pushed me backwards to the wall and shoved me up against it. He ran his hand up my inner thigh and I moaned. Zim came in the room. "Hey guys! Show time get off each other!" I laughed and looked over Marilyn's shoulder to Zim. "Do I have to?" Zim laughed. "Yes." Marilyn sighed. He bent down and bit my neck. "Fine, but I'm finishing what I started." I laughed and agreed.

We all walked onto the stage, assuming the positions. Tori took Cal's spot tonight. We all had the same outfits, but, as usual, they varied in color. Tori in green, Cara in purple, myself in black, and Andy in red.

"Go on and smile you cunt!" Marilyn began Cake and Sodomy. The girls danced, nothing new. Marilyn had given his parents backstage passes, so they would meet us in the back later. I spotted Marilyn's parents smiling at me in the front row. Marilyn walked over to me and did his normal thing while I danced. He pulled me down and kissed me gently. The crowd screeched. It was about time we had a normal concert. I walked off my platform and danced closer to Marilyn, I bit his neck like he had me. He bent down and kept singing, I kept dancing, and the crowd kept screaming. He reached over and pulled on the string of my fishnets, and let it go. Making a popping sound in the mic. I continued dancing and Marilyn did his weird ass dances. He was so attractive. Yum. I laughed at myself and got closer to the edge of the stage, the bodyguards got closer to me. I let the men and women touch my legs I would bend down and wink at them from time to time, just to get them stirred up more. Marilyn didn't exactly like that... I backed up a bit. I walked over to where Marilyn's parents were and I bent, winking at them. She smiled and Marilyn's dad jokingly put a one dollar bill in my fishnets. I laughed and danced. I looked at Marilyn, he had seen what his dad had done, I could see in his face that he was attempting to hold back a laugh.

The concert ended and we all went backstage. Marilyn pushed me on the couch, he kissed my neck and ran his hand down my leg, pulling the dollar out if my fishnets. He laughed and continued to kiss me. "Your parents." I whispered. He got disappointed and climbed off me. "Brian! That was amazing." I took the dollar out of Marilyn's back pocket as he hugged his mom. I walked up to Marilyn's dad. "Here is your dollar Hugh." He laughed and winked at me. "Money well spent, Nikki." I laughed at his comment. "Dad." I heard Marilyn behind me warning his father. "Mine, not yours." Marilyn wrapped his arms around me and I laughed. I turned and kissed Marilyn sweetly as Barbara took a picture. "Come on guys! I wanna go drink!" Twiggy came in whining. Barbara smirked. "Life of a rock star." I laughed. Marilyn and I said goodbye to his parents and left with Twiggy. We went over to the bar across the street. Marilyn linked his hand in mine. "Before I get drunk, I'm giving you permission." I said out loud. Marilyn gave me a weird look and I continued. "Last time I was drunk you wouldn't do anything with me." Marilyn nodded and laughed. "Well, you don't have to worry about that tonight baby." I laughed and kissed him.

"Good, because I'm getting you drunk, but don't think you are getting out of the work." Marilyn made a face at me and I laughed, kissing his cheek.

We entered the bar and spent a few hours there, before stumbling back across the street to the bus. Twiggy came up to me once we were in the bus and shoved his tongue down my throat. I pushed him away. "Can you not?" He laughed and Marilyn knocked him over. "Don't ever do that again." He growled while pinning down Twiggy. I was shocked at how evil he sounded. I bent over Marilyn and kissed his neck and sat on the couch. He turned and looked at me like I was insane and I winked. Marilyn gently slapped Twiggy and I laughed. He got up and came over to me, pulling me off the couch, kissing me. I laughed. "You taste better than Twiggy." He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure I do." He pulled me back to the bedroom after that.

He closed the doors and turned to me. I walked up and instantly kissed him. He hummed in my mouth and I shivered. I pulled at the hem of his shirt and he let me pull it off. He bent down and bit my lip. I grabbed a handful of his now red hair and ground my hips into his. "No teasing." He warned me. I laughed. "I'll do what I want to baby." He kissed my neck. "Well so will I darling." He hissed in my ear.

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